In a moment,
my queen will be here.
She will cast a spell,
by wiping away these old tears.
She will feed my hunger,
and quench my thirst.
She will make me swell
so well and burst.
She will do away memories of whats her name,
and her skill sets will put old girl to shame.
She will plead with me to stay,
She will let me lead and keep me from going astray.
In a moment,
she will take my name.
She will breakout with a new game.
Exciting and excited.
Welcomed and invited.
I await her call.
She will topple them all.
She will be my queen,
beautiful and graceful,
powerful and serene.
And all it will take is a moment.
So I hold on to it,
to the point I own it.
Richard J Wright (2010)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Helter Skelter

Some people inconvience their life,
would even make a stranger their wife.
Cut up emotions like a ginsu knife
and end up being made all trife.
I dont mind, dont take it as a gripe.
People eat fruits from trees that aint ripe.
And cross over lanes with marked stripes.
Now all of a sudden he or she aint your type.
Now lets all gather the sudden tears to wipe.
Thoughts of situations make you depressed.
But thats the fruit you bought, I guess.
Now the smoke has appeared.
The moment you made me fear.
Its hard to breathe and cry tears.
Your convience convinces you.
You gotta do what you think you gotta do.
Step on a heart or maybe even two.
Now a brother's left without a clue.
CSI can add two and two.
But it equals five once you was through.
Despair comes out of the blue.
And what I thought was what I knew.
Now no one is left to take bets.
Cause its all a mess with a side of regrets.
So now you content to live with a lie.
Dont even make sense to ask God why.
Hasty but now you all spacey.
And the future is made all pasty.
Bitter and far from sweet.
Now we live on opposites streets.
To much traffic to cross.
And time is all we lost.
You dont think this is gonna cost.
Hearts grow cold in the midst of the moss.
Hurry to the finish line.
Hurry to the end of time.
Haphazardly playing games.
Ends terribly in shame.
Its all helter skelter.
Richard J Wright (2010)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
What do I tell the Rain

As the rain falls,
I hear its voice call.
The faint whisper of a melody,
the pulse of the rain envelops me.
It speaks but I dont want to listen.
For it adds no comfort,
it just reminds me of what Im missing.
The sounds of kissing,
the sounds of hugging,
The sounds of bed sheets moving.
The sounds of the quiet storm grooving.
Yet, Im at a lost of words.
The quiet rumble of thunder is heard.
It doesn't sooth me or the pain.
Just what do I tell the rain?
Richard J Wright (2010)
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Half Glass Half Empty Concept

I was at work recently and one of my supervisors had a drawing on his wall. It was a picture of a glass of water. In the illustration he noted that he wanted to be where the water was; the half full place. He also noted that he didn't want to be where the empty part was. I thought to myself that is interesting because he needed a visual to confirm an idea in his mind continually to be positive and not negative. I have to admit it was brilliant. However, eventually that message has to be in your heart ultimately. Perhaps this picture was his way of getting to that point. Its a catalyst for change. I am not mad at it.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Changing of the guard...

When companies and nations change leaders, the old guard goes away kicking, screaming and hating. Well, that goes for people too. In my desire to change my life; something God will have to help me with, that old person is going to put up a fight. That is why, I am going to put him down like a mad dog. A new mission statement. A new flag. A direction. New eyes to see. New ears to hear.
enough talk.
Im single. Im serious. Im silent.
Good Morning Richard.
Let the war begin!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Random Thoughts on Father's Day Morning...
I hate holiday texts...
I just want to be treated like a king today...
Im just ready to get weekend over and done with...
Does anyone understand where I'm coming from...
The dogs were after me last night... again.
How can I be treated like a king, when there is no queen?
I guess it is what it is...
Happy Father's Day... I guess.
I just want to be treated like a king today...
Im just ready to get weekend over and done with...
Does anyone understand where I'm coming from...
The dogs were after me last night... again.
How can I be treated like a king, when there is no queen?
I guess it is what it is...
Happy Father's Day... I guess.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Father's Day... a reflection.

Tommorow is father's day. Hmmm. How do I feel about this holiday? I have mixed feelings about it. I love my father and it will be good to see him tommorow. Other than that, I really don't feel it. Perhaps its because being a father myself is kind of subjective in nature. I like being a father. I have a daughter who is 13. I have step-children through my former marriage. So fatherhood is cool. I know some make a big deal and it is. I guess Im just taking it all in. I will get a card perhaps. Who knows. I guess like any holiday, it is better with the people you love. I will try my best to be in good spirits. I just dont make a big deal about it. After all, its a position of great importance but society has down played its significance. Im sure I will get a text or two from people but sometimes as a father, we just want to be appreciated. You work hard. You provide. You protect. You live. So for all the fathers out there, enjoy the day. You are worth so much more than a day. Yet, its a small token of appreciation for the labor and love you give. I feel your struggle. God bless you.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Random Thoughts at 6:34am
I miss her...
I miss her too.
I miss them.
What should I do?
God please let me get this done today.
Sometimes you just have to let people be who they are.
I accept the fact that I cannot change the past, but that doesn't mean Im not hurting because of it.
That's my brother man...
So good to know I have a pastor looking out for me.
I wish I was stronger.
She is so fione, dude doesnt know what he has.
Sometimes I just hate myself.
I just want to meet my wife today.
I miss her too.
I miss them.
What should I do?
God please let me get this done today.
Sometimes you just have to let people be who they are.
I accept the fact that I cannot change the past, but that doesn't mean Im not hurting because of it.
That's my brother man...
So good to know I have a pastor looking out for me.
I wish I was stronger.
She is so fione, dude doesnt know what he has.
Sometimes I just hate myself.
I just want to meet my wife today.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
A lesson from BP
Talk about Oops.
Oh how friendly and environmentally conscious one can be.
Just keep on supporting BP.
Buy their gas, by their oil.
Show how wonderful you are by being loyal.
Oh its a little spill.
We will have it up in a couple of days.
Well its been a few weeks and the leak still exists.
Just chop it up to BP's greed and ignorance.
BP is your buddy and making more money.
Yall walking around like nothing is going on
and aint nothing funny.
Dead fish dying birds,
collateral damage.
Leave to BP's PR to handle and manage.
Yall are some real geniuses.
Keep up the mess up.
While we foot the bill.
Through high priced seafood, tumors and more damaging rumors.
Nice going BP.
Richard J Wright (2010)
An Open Letter to the State of Arizona and her racist residents.

Dear Confused, Fearful, Racist, Paranoid, and Ignorant residents of Arizona,
I want to commend each of you of your tolerance for that unbearable heat you guys deal with every summer. However, Im starting to believe that heat has affected your brains. You are the poster child of the angry white person taking control of your borders. You are the ethnic police of this generation. Oh my bad, you are getting tough on crime. (I guess since most whites are scared of people of color... your poor informed citizens will continue to drink that kool-aid forever and a day).
I guess the media is being a little hard on you guys. Aww poor babies. That big old liberal machine is really hanging you out to dry. Poppycock! However, you should thank Fox News for doing the "right" thing on your behalf. More Poppycock!
I guess you are wondering why I am so concerned about you backward-minded relics from the 20th century. Children.
Some dirtbags out your way are wanting a mural including children to reflect the light skinned residents of Arizona. Gimme a break. Are you guys that stupid or ignorant. You want to take something pure and put your little white hands all over it. Some peckerwood gets on a radio show asks why depict a black person on the mural? Well... the kid in question is supposed to be depicted or seen as Latino. Boy, you guys just keep getting in line to be run over by the stupid train.
Isn't it enough that you clowns waited so long to make the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, a paid holiday in your state? Plus we know you only did that because you was worried that your coffers would be considerably thinner if you did not play ball. I have learned that the only language you understand is green and you hate the word boycott. I see that word in your lives for quite some time.
Well, chances are you wont think nothing of this letter. That's cool because I have did my part. Now if some cat from Houston, Texas thinks writing in his personal blog about some scum buckets who live in Arizona will make a difference, he is deluding himself. However, I know at the barbershops, water coolers, parks, elevators in America, people are talking about you guys. You probably do not care. Good. That makes taking our tourist dollars, not supporting your sport franchises, and not traveling through your state easier.
Now, I know your state is filled with good people. People from all over the world live in Arizona. I know they are just as upset with you as I am. I dont live there and yet you guys are a lightning rod for stupidity. Asking people are their immigration status is problematic at best. But hey, you are who you are. So keep giving us something to talk about Arizona. I dont want you suckers to go broke but if you miss a car note or two, I wont be mad. Cheers.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Single means singularity - A moment of clarity

sin·gu·lar·i·ty /ˌsɪŋgyəˈlærɪti/ Show Spelled[sing-gyuh-lar-i-tee] Show IPA
–noun,plural-ties for 2–4.
1.the state, fact, or quality of being singular.
2.a singular, unusual, or unique quality; peculiarity.
3.Mathematics. singular point.
4.Astronomy. (in general relativity) the mathematical representation of a black hole.
For the past few years, it is not a secret that I have struggled being single. As a man being married for several years, I became used to having a partner around me. It is a blessing to have someone. Yet, when that is not your reality, you are forced to deal with the circumstances that are before you.
Some people love being single. I love being single sometimes. I would be lying to myself if I did say I just want to be single. At one point, I did want to be single when I was married. Yet, my idea of being single for my life at that time was full of errors. I did not measure or count the cost. I did not see how I would feel during holidays or days when I was just needing a loving touch from that special someone.
I am starting to feel okay about being single. Am I fully healed from the pain I have been through? Not at all. I am healed in the sense that I am okay and can love again. Yet, the pain from the previous relationship has not gone away fully because I am a firm believer that some pain never dies, it only changes. You can use pain to your advantage or your disadvantage and that is the difference.
So. What is different today? I am giving myself permission to think singular. I cannot think about someone else's issues. Especially, if they do not have anything to do with me. I love my ex-wife. The alternative is to hate her. Instead of being angry, or pitying her, I just love her from afar. I cannot concern myself with whats going on with her because if I do, then I take that energy I need to focus on me and give it her with no expectation of recieving anything in return. That goes for anyone I may date as well. I love people. However, as a single man I have to focus on me and not let someone else's issues or problems become my problems. As a Christian, I am to be concern about the welfare of others. That is part of my vocation but I am not to allow anything separate me from the love of God or His will for my life.
The word that is swimming in my head these days is value. A person (who I am dating or considering to date) must have value in order for me to consider anything remotely possible. I nust bring value as well. I cannot bring my baggage and expect someone to put up with it. Instead I must bring value to the table along with those things inside of me that I carry. If the truth were to be told, we all have baggage. We might think we have liberated ourselves from our pasts or the drama we faced but more often than not, your past shows up without an invitation. I have seen this time and time again. It does not mean we are not over our past, but what it does mean is that we tend to carry things without notice. Its okay. It makes you human. However, we are not to allow nothing to determine our future except our ambition, desire, and passion. I am giving myself permission to think for myself, by myself because right, that is all that matters. Myself. I love me and for that reason I know I can love some else.
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