I hate blogs.
Yeah, I know. This is coming from someone that writes one.
I just hate blogs that are nothing more than little or large soap boxes for snitches.
Yeah, I said it. Snitches.
Cats online, are always breaking the code.
If you gotta ask what the code is, then you don't need to know.
I dont even talk about none of the stuff these cats are spitting on their blogs and I know there is certain things you dont discuss or disclose.
Why are they doing it?
One reason.
First of all, most dudes dont sit at computers all day and read blogs. Real cats have jobs, and real things to do. So who is at the computer half the day?
So cats begin to talk to these women.
Some of em brag about their conquests. For whatever reason woman like when a man brags on his sexual prowness, then get attitudes when dude cant deliver. I never will understand that. Women act like they hate players, when they really love players. Truthfully, a woman will respect you if you just be upfront and tell her the real deal. They seem to get over the fact you married or have a wife quickly. Also, quiet as it is kept, women really want to be men. You can dress like it, act like it, talk like it, get paper like it and at the of the day you still have to sit down to urinate.
I dont subscribe to many blogs because I find them very self absorbing. I am even at a point where I dont even know if I want to continue the one I have. Now, make no mistake, Im not hating on dudes that are bring something significant to the table. Yet, if you just runnin your mouth about bending some random chick over, dude condom or not, you are winning about as good as Charlie Sheen.
Women seem to like this weak kind of stuff.
Am I saying women are silly.
Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying.
Women always talk about they want a real man. When all they listen to, watch, and admire are characters faker than a 3 dollar bill. Then some em get burned and get on their blogs and want to blast cats. The game is hard but fair.
Truthfully, this is a generation of weaklings.
Cats are sissified.
Im glad I am old school.
And here is the deal, im not saying our generation is perfect or any better. But we did understand the code. With the internet of course, the code has just gone out the window. Now we have a bunch of cowards with no character masquerading as journalists. Thank God some of yall have cut and paste degrees because your blogs would suck without them.
Yeah Im dissing. Yeah Im hating.
I did mention I hate blogs, didn't I?