Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Word is the Word
Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you and you be found a liar.
In today's world, people claim that God speaks to them. While, we realize that the LORD does speak, we are told explicitly to do not add to His words, regarding what He speaks. Many prophets are called liars in the time of Jeremiah because the LORD says He had not spoken to them. In our relationship with the LORD it is critical that we lean on His words and not our own. Honestly in our zealousness, we all have said God said this and He really hadn't. As His people, if we are going to be in His will, we must follow Him and not add our 2 cents to what we think He said. We have His word to confirm everything connected to His will for our lives. However, if we start adding to His words, the truth is smeared and we are found to be liars.
The Canon closes in the book of Revelation with a warning Rev. 22:18-19 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things written in this book.
There is no need to enhance or try to improve God at His word. The word is the Word. It is enough. Adding and taking away makes us liars. Lets us just trust in His Words and not mix our own with His truth. We only hurt ourselves. Prophets and leaders have to be careful because when errors are made in declaring His word, it is our error and not God's. This only happens when we interject our "thoughts" into what has been spoken by God and declared by God. The word to the wise is always sufficient, as my father used to say.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Odyssey and Visions of Heaven
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Odyssey is a collection of Christian Poetry dedicated to the Christian believer.
Visions of Heaven is a collection of Christian Poetry and Essays dedicated to the eternal residence of God and His people.
Log on to www.outskirtspress.com/Odyssey and www.outskirtspress.com/VisionsofHeaven

Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Prayer Letter

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Black Like Me

Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
A mouth to cuss or a mouth to bless
Have you ever had someone to offer you a drink of fresh ice water or tea from a visibly dirty glass? If so, how did you feel? Have you ever been to a restaurant and have been given dirty silverware to use? These things happen all the time. Something that was actually given to be a blessing winds up being tainted. So it is with our mouths. As much as folk want to be blessing or be blessed, they cannot let go of the cursing or crude words. Whether one wants to admit it or not, its a problem that is prevalent among so-called believers. The scriptures tell us we must put foul language away. You cannot speak words of blessing and cursing like a skitzo. When some tells me to be blessed, I take it to heart. However, if that same someone uses foul language in the midst of that, it negates the declaration. Words are not words, they have purpose, relationship, and are the power of life and death. So next time someone offers a cup of blessing but gives a well of curses, cast those words aside for they do not please God. We all should pray for our tongues to be kept by God. Yet we must purpose it. According to Phil 4:8 "FINALLY BRETHREN, WHATEVER THINGS ARE NOBLE, WHATEVER THINGS ARE JUST, WHATEVER THINGS ARE PURE, WHATEVER THINGS ARE OF A GOOD REPORT, IF THERE IS ANY VIRTUE AND IF THERE IS ANYTHING PRAISEWORTHY MEDITATE ON THESE THINGS

Monday, May 6, 2013
Friends and what they mean to us
I once wrote in a piece, that "friendships are like batteries. Some last longer than others". Its about 20 minutes to 6 am and I'm up watching Fat Albert. They always talk about friendships on the show and today's earlier show wasn't any different. I will not go into specifics but suffice to say that sometimes your friends can put you in jacked up positions and then blame you for it. Friends are an interesting dynamic altogether. You are not necessarily bonded by blood but in some cases proximity. Social media is filled with people connecting with one another under the guise of "friendships". Real friendships are personal and because of that, they can be beneficial or hurtful. Toxic relationships often are the poster child between men and women. Yet, its friendships where most toxicity begins and originates. Think about your earliest friends. Are you still friends? I know that in my own personal life that I had many friends growing up but that circle dwindled over the course of time. You have to weigh and consider many things when making friends. Is this relationship beneficial? Can a friendship grow beyond its immediate connections. Friends that have access to you can do things to hurt you. Many people place barriers in their lives, just so they do not have invest time and energy into people.
I personally believe in investing in people. However, everybody that I invest in does not necessarily graduate to friend status. A friend is made for adversity and too often its the friends that are being adverse. This generation calls them frienemies. Which is a ridiculous term. However, I do get the point. However, all the clichés in the world will not make up for the hurt that you feel when someone hurts. Don't get me wrong, sometimes friends mean well but only injure you in the process. Folks make a point to be your "leader" while they expect you to follow and go along with just anything. One thing about life, experiences separate us all. It is our commonality that should bring friends into our circles who are genuinely concerned about thoughtful. The highway of life goes both ways. You put in what you get out. The trouble starts when you expect people do for you tit for tat. Life and its circle just does not work like that. God blesses us when we give but He does not do it on our time table. You sew to expect a harvest. Yet, the harvest is for appointed time. Our friends can be a harvest but like any good farmer will tell you, you need good soil (heart), sunshine (good things), and rain (challenges) and good old fashion hard work (care for the heart) to produce good results. Your friends are the result of good vibrations and good thoughts and common struggles. Cherish them.

Sunday, May 5, 2013
Where ya been?

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