It has been largely debated throughout the years, the reason that men do not attend church. Especially, Black men. Why do Black men find church so unappealing? Is it the time spent listening to sermons? Is it because men would rather watch sports? Is it because church caters to a female's psyche exclusively? Some of these reason are valid but I have to disagree partly with all of them. So what is the problem, in my opinion? Men do not want to be stripped or peeled.
It is God's intention to make a man like Himself. In order for God to do this, God has to perform a surgery of sorts. He performs this surgery in a number of ways. He gives him (the man) His Word. He gives him, a shepherd to follow, the Man Christ Jesus. He gives him His Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Now, the man must be still and listen long enough for the Word to penetrate his heart and mind. This is difficult but only because the man can become restless. Like a surgeon standing over a body, often times the surgeon has to put the person to sleep in order to do the work necessary. However, God has given man free will and choice. God will not put a man to sleep by force. The sleep I speak of is spiritual. Spiritually, a man has to allow God to work on him and through him. Men tend to become afraid or apprehensive because at times the work is painful and challenging.
When God works on a man, He peels layers of dead clothing off of the man. The dead clothing represents the old man and his ways. God begins to pull away the dead tissue of the old life; all the while dressing him for his new life in the process. Men tend to not want to deal with the pain and shortcomings of his life. Man tends to medicate himself with objects of pleasure. God desires to remove the old ways of a man, so he can live spiritually and naturally the way He intended for him in the beginning. It is human nature for a man to like his self the way he has always been. God challenges the man to adopt His way of life and sometimes men feel it is too hard or not necessary.
The peeling of man is not designed to kill the man but heal him. Men can experience a great joy in being made over but the uncertainty of what God wants to do is always present. When men allow God to work, men experience life changing explosiveness. Yet, the man will only experience what he allows God to do. Relationships change. World views change. Thoughts change. Hearts change.
Let God work on you. You will be surprised at what He will do through you and for you. Those old ways must go. We must walk in the light, as He is in and the Light.