Refresh. Regroup. Rethink. Relearn. Remove. Relieve. Rebuild. Return.
8 words. Very powerful. Very inspiring.
1) Refresh I am going on vacation soon. As much as I love Houston, I have to get away from her for a minute. I need to rest my mind, body and soul.
2) Regroup Yes, I have been off tilt lately. Life happens. So its time to dust myself off and get back at this thing at break neck speed.
3) Rethink Yes, my thinking has been faulty lately. Life will cause that to happen too. Its time to think differently about every thing I am apart of and going to be apart of.
4) Relearn I am a teacher at heart. Not by profession but by passion. My giftings as a poet have shown this to me. Yet, its time to learn some new aspects of some old things. For this, i need revelational knowledge and that only comes from God of course.
5)Remove Yes, some stuff has got to go. Some folks have to go. It is what it is. Its like an old couch. It was nice 10 years ago but now its just down right disgusting. Stains and springs poppin up everywhere. So what do you have to do. You gotta throw it out. I dont like the idea of throwing folks out of my life but they have over stayed their welcome.
6)Relieve Yes, I need to relieve myself of some of the pressures in my life. Whether its finances or that insane desire to have a woman next to me. I have to just let that kind of stuff go and ask God to help me in those areas. Its insane knowing God will help you if you only let go but something wont allow you to do it. I gotta check myself.
7)Rebuild Yes, some things in my life need to be rebuilt. Some relationships and some career and ministry goals. Time to put on the hard hat and start stripping away some of this old wiring, old wood, and old paint and begin using new materials.
8)Return Yes, after accomplishing the above seven Re(s). I can return or re-turn the direction of my life. God wants my life to be fruitful, and I do too. In essence, number 8 is really number 1. Then again life is circular to me as a Black man, therefore I begin and end where I start. Time to get busy.
"Its time to learn some new aspects of some old things." Profound in its simplicity.
There's really nothing "new" under the sun, and God expounds on His revelations to us, when we are focused on Him.
"It was nice 10 years ago but now its just down right disgusting. Stains and springs poppin up everywhere" A very powerful visual analogy for the stuff we tolerate that God doesnt want us to. Clear it out, yes!
"Time to put on the hard hat and start stripping away some of this old wiring, old wood and old paint and began using new materials"
Now brother, what can be more satisfying that a refurbished new you, properly wired with the mind of Christ, inside cleared out and God's ministry placed inside, painted on the outside with the joy of the Lord? Now that looks very beautiful to God!
God loves you, and so do I!
Sounds like a terrific strategy. Let us know how it works for you. I may have to try your seven step plan. Blessed to be a blessing right.
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