Today is Thanksgiving. Now there are many stories about Thanksgiving that give people reason to celebrate and many stories that cause people not to celebrate. What is a responsible upstanding thought provoking intelligent people to do? Celebrate or not celebrate.
To each his own.
While I can get with some revolutionaries on somethings, others I cannot. Its like the conscious fellow who has a family full of folk who celebrate together and he doesnt bother to come by because he believes he is making a statement. Let me pull your coat onto something. You not helping or hurting anyone. You are just dissing your people. While the commercial success of holidays like Thanksgiving are questionable. Take this as food for thought. Every person decides how live and think each day. If it takes a holiday to get the family together, why piss on an opportunity to build, break bread, and share?
I remember Professor X from the X Clan relating a holiday story. He was talking about how a friend of his invited him to his house. It was cold outside and there was nothing to do. He and his friend went inside and he was welcomed like family and learned a lesson. Its like the word nigger. You take what was given in venom and make an antidote. So to my brothers and sisters who are Christian, agnostic, atheists, spiritualists, thanksgiving may not be your cup of tea but there isnt nothing wrong being with family and friends over a meal.
I laugh at some of my friends because as deep as they may think they are. They are a puddle in the wilderness. I once ran in these same circles which makes me laugh and cry because you come to understand a great number of things. Often we exchange the matrix for another. You only become free of them, when you realize who has authored the matrixes of the world. The most powerful element in the universe is love. Love triumphs knowledge, information, kingdoms, pricipalities and powers. I once worked with a guy who was Jewish by family bloodlines but he was an athiest. I used to kill him with his hypocritical mindset. He didnt believe in the torah but that didnt stop him from taking Jewish holidays off at work. Then I realized something, it was his perogative to believe or not or to do whatever.
So to each his own.
Some of my Christian friends are stauch believers in not celebrating Christmas, Easter and the like. Its funny, politics make for strange bedfellows. I could put some of my friends who are on opposite sides together and they would find a common ground. No wonder the White Supremacists and Black Muslims could work together. But again.
To each his own.
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