Wednesday, December 25, 2013
New Changes
This blog is on life support. After some thought, I am thinking of just pulling the plug on it. However, I have decided to give myself permission to reinvent the blog for 2014. New ideas, new directions... That is all for now.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
My Child

Saturday, October 19, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Negro, where ya been?

Friday, August 16, 2013
Random Thoughts
Enjoyed dinner with my pooh bear. Fries was too salty, tragic.
Doctor's visit was good, I hope things are even better in six months.
I felt old looking at these youngsters today in the mall.
Something is missing. I don't know what it is.
I couldn't help but think about that situation today.
LORD, please help my mama to be happy.
I'm not so sure about this event. I will go reluctantly, maybe there will be a blessing.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Becoming Bored... A Cautionary Tale
Boredom. It happens all the time. Well, perhaps not all the time but you can find yourself right there. In this season, I find myself here. Uninspired. Unmotivated. Basically too many doggone uns in my life at this time. I thought by now I would be knee deep in the writing of my next book. Yet, I barely even care. First it was writers block, then it was no time. Yet, I gotta be honest with myself. I am bored.
Lets be a little honest. Work. Is very boring. I am not challenged and there are day where I just want to walk away. I am not using my degrees and finding a position in my company isn't going to happen it seems. I do my work and at times I have fun at it. Yet, this isn't what I want to do for the next 10 years of my life. I am contemplating going into teaching. Truth is, I do not know if I really want to do that. Yes, I have a gift for it. However, given what teachers are faced with on a day to day basis, its not exactly paying a truck load of money. Teachers are grossly underpaid. Which is why I have stayed on my job because I will basically make the same money. Better to deal with the devil you know, versus the one you do not.
Church life. I love church. I love ministry. However, I would be lying to say I am not bored. Perhaps there is some sin in my life that is making me feel empty. I don't know. Either way. I am. I don't like it and I am sure I am not the only person who has ever been here. I hold a servant's position but I am feeling this way. I still love God, I still love the work. Perhaps, I should pray more. LORD deliver me from this boredom.
I don't like this feeling. I gotta fight through it. There is no other way. I could find some new hobbies or something but I feel I will only become bored with that later on. I do know that at the end of the day, I am not hopeless. One of my all time favorite HBO series called "The Wire" featured a scene where a cop who went undercover was shot. As she recovered in the hospital, a couple of detectives came to see her to see if she could identify her assailants. She identified one of the men that shot her but refused to identify another one though one of the detectives clearly was directing her to identify him. She quietly remarked to him these words, "Some things just gotta play hard". In this situation, I just have play it hard through it. Truthfully, that is all of the excitement I can take at this moment anyway. In a strange way, maybe God is doing me a favor. Hmmm...

Saturday, August 10, 2013
Caged Masculinity Archive post 11/17/2009

Saturday, July 27, 2013
Interracial Connections
Interracial connections are apart of the learning experience in this world. The one thing you as a person must realize is that this is a big world and you are not as important as you think you are. As a Black man, people of other ethnicities, have their thoughts about me. Black men are either adored or shunned completely. We have a unique perspective, experience, and world view. Truthfully, there is no such thing as a Black man. Like all classification, the tenets are based upon inferred conclusions. A brother once told me that Black people are like snow flakes. None two are alike. That is the truth. Which beckons the question? How can we unite if we are not the same? We can only come together in our commonality. Steve Cokely use to say that Black people can only unite in two capacities, victory or defeat. All one has to do is look at the Travon Martin killing and George Zimmerman trial. The results of a not guilty verdict was met with wide spread protest. In the aftermath of the verdict, a couple of the jurors have spoken up. Both citing the law as the reason Zimmerman was found not guilty. The rap group Above the Law had a song lyric that says "It's not what you know, it's what you can prove". The latest juror to come out, the only Hispanic said that Zimmerman got away with murder. The law was on his side. What is interesting is that people by just looking at her, might conclude that she is a Black woman. Just cause it looks Black, doesn't make it Black clearly.
KCOH this morning on person to person with the legendary Michael Harris talked expressively about race today. It was an interesting exchange with the co-hosts chiming in. The perspectives on race have changed but the old paradigm lingers. Particularly with the older ones among us. Black men today share relationships with people of many different people. This is an interesting thing because At 45, I do not have friends among other racial or ethnic groups. I have desired those relationships but over the years, nothing really developed outside of the workspace. At work, there are people who you get to know because you share time and space with them but even that sharing is limited often to sole task of making our respective employers rich above measure. In my work field I encounter people of different backgrounds everyday. I do find myself wondering if these same "friendly" people would be friendly if they saw me on the street somewhere. Its a conversation I have with myself because I do realize that as a Black man, I am the object of scorn and fear for some people. At times you have to communicate to people that you are harmless. A friendly hello or smile from time to time helps. I have to solicit conversations many times to break the awkwardness of someone's perception. In elevators, you see the tugs of purses. On sidewalks, you hear the doors on cars lock. Its an amazing dynamic. Some people would rather be feared and hated for what they are than loved for what they are not. Years ago, a middle eastern American said a remarkable statement to me. He said he liked Michael Jordan because he didn't act Black. Whatever that means. I knew what he was getting at. Black people tend to let people know they are Black from time to time. Its not like we run up in buildings and announce to the audience that "hey, the Black guy is here!". No. Black people tend to really not take any crap. We have and taken enough and still to this day continue to but some stuff we call BS on and we have no problem regulating when we have to. This attitude tends to offend people but guess what, too often we are on the offended side. A lot us are mad. We have a right to be. Slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, discrimination, poverty tend to piss people off. I have heard often that Hispanics make better workers than Blacks because of our attitudes. Harder workers, less attitude. As a result, 12 to 13 million illegal aliens from across the border call America home.
In America, Brown people or Hispanic or a better term La Raza, are our closest allies. However, there are problems. Huge ones. Historically, we have suffered similar fates due to our economic struggles. Our neighborhoods are filled with Black and Brown people struggling to get the same dollar. Often, the criminal element has exploited this dynamic. Turf wars and gang violence are the results of misunderstandings and greed in the drug trade. Yet, we all know we share much more than that. Historically, whether its out East or West or down South Black and Brown can and do work together. However, the slave master does what he does and divides the people. Yet, we know together we are far better off than if we try to separate ourselves from one another especially we live in the same communities. I admire the La Raza. They are a beautiful people with a rich history. Game recognize game. Since we are beautiful people with a rich history, we can appreciate others who have that as well. Everything is education. We should encourage our youth to study and learn who people really are. People are more than what they eat. For some reason, we want to reduce our knowledge base to a carnal level by enjoying something people perhaps commonly ingest. Such is foolishness. While I can get with some good Tex Mex, I know that isn't the whole sphere of who they are. People are too complex for that short sightedness.
The issue of Black people connecting with people outside will always be intriguing. I love and respect all of God's people. Its a shame that often times, we do not get that same love and respect. The crazy part is this. Black people are admired throughout the world for their struggle. While ignorance runs rampant in our communities and people who do not look like us tend to exploit that pain through the marketplace, these same people have to also admire our people's resolve when it comes to freedom. This country is brewing with a variety of people from all over the world. Black people fought and died to make it so. Its just too bad, many people will not or cannot see the truth.
Archive Post "Dream land Occurances" 2/27/10
Some folks dream and others do not.
I am one who happens to dream... alot.
Tonight, or should I say this morning I had two dreams.
Without going into detail because some stuff is just too personal and wayout after all its a dream.
All I can remember from the first dream was I was a pastor.
I was teaching, and I could see the church I pastored.
All I can really remember from the next dream was I was a gangster. I was shooting at some people and I remember my crew being under fire and us going through a small opening in a window and laying down those who attacked us.
Then I woke up.
I then heard a voice say... "choose life".
I then heard another voice say, "six millions ways to die... choose one".
Then I heard myself say... yeah, there are six million ways to die, but only one way to live".
Is it something I ate or more?
Sunday, July 21, 2013
What Do We Do? A call for reflection and action
What Do We Do? A call for reflection and action.
In the wake of the George Zimmerman trial verdict, people are upset. The not guilty verdict has sparked protests and has charged the nation emotionally. While I share my people’s pain and disgust with the verdict, I am torn as well. How much responsibility do we as a people have in the face of injustice? How much personal responsibility must be laid at our feet? I read online a comment from a pastor who said that Trayvon Martin was a sacrifice. I found the comment a bit disturbing. If Trayvon was a sacrifice, who benefits and should we thank George Zimmerman for getting out of his car? Poppycock.
Here is the deal. Black America can be mad, irritated, frustrated, or sad. We can go through a plethora of emotions but at some point, we must look in the mirror. While it’s popular to say things like “I am Trayvon Martin”, the questions begin to form; “Who is Trayvon Martin and do I really want to be him?” Let me be clear. I cannot excuse what George Zimmerman did. I will not excuse what George Zimmerman did. However, we have to ask ourselves what could have Trayvon did to save his own life? People on the radio this past week humorously spoke about Trayvon getting the best of Zimmerman. Yet, no matter how he fared in the fight, he still wound up dead with a gunshot wound in the heart.
How wonderful it was to see the Miami Heat basketball team to be photographed in hoodies? Then I saw something online that bother me. Somebody photo shopped a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in a hoodie. I found the gesture about as noble as a ring in a pig’s snout. I ask myself what bothered me about it. I realized that a work of art is subject to interpretation. The meanings I will find will not be the same as another. The only thing the two men have in common, Dr. King and Trayvon Martin aside the fact they were both Black and are dead is the fact that their lives were taken from them. It is hard to bridge their lives in my mind. President Barrack Obama apparently has no problem making that bridge. He reflected on his own life and wonders to himself he too could be Trayvon Martin. All of us Black males, boys and men, could be a Trayvon Martin. However, our decision making could be the difference.
At this point, I want to hold the mirror up to us. Trayvon was a teenager who happened to talk recklessly and smoke pot. Even though George Zimmerman was on trial, Trayvon Martin’s character was put on blast. If I had a dollar for every time that fact was swept under the proverbial rug by many Black folks, I might be able to pay off my student loans. It is the questionable character of our dear brother that suffered the most. Good credibility in court is like having A-1 credit to a bank. You are perceived to be trustworthy. If you have questionable credibility, well you might have to go a rent to own store because you shown yourself to not be so trusting. Can we really blame the jury that found George Zimmerman not guilty? Sure we can. However, let us be honest. George Zimmerman fit the profile of a neighborhood watch man; somebody who cared about the community and somebody who was trying to protect it. Trayvon’s facebook page and his past were outlined as troublesome. Like so many misguided youth, he portrayed himself as perhaps a “thug”. While his character and issues should not matter. Trust me. It does matter. A good name is more precious than rubies.
Ok. I have a question. Why was Trayvon walking to the store in the middle of the night? It was late and why is a 17 year old child walking to the store alone at that time of the night? Where was his dad? Call me old fashioned but if any child of mine asks me can they walk to the store at midnight will get nothing less than a no from me. We do not know what happened that night. The horrible truth is only Trayvon knows and he cannot tell us. It is time for our community to begin to have the conversation. How do we protect ourselves? In the face of this trial, the extreme among us may begin to justify arming our children. Honestly, the questions beckon a resounding “why not?” If Joe Citizen can kill our children in the face of “feeling threatened”. Well, all bets are off.
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having this conversation. We have talk to our teens and young men. Town hall meetings with our youth are in order. Black leadership needs to listen and Black leadership needs to undergo reform. If the scholars and philosophers among us can question President Obama, then those who claim “Black” leadership can have their feet put to the fire. While folks complain about the clock being rolled back, some of us are snoozing at the wheel. Let us be honest. Power backs up only to power. Marching has its merits but at some point we are going to have build a war chest of resources and stay out of the mall. You fight this war with your choices. You vote, you keep your representatives and senators accountable. You keep your community activists honest. Most of all, you affect the bottom line economically by saving, investing and spending with your people. All of the money we spend in this country should have us at the top of the food chain instead pleading with Massa for justice. We must think globally as well. Years ago Randall Robinson wrote a book called “Quitting America”. At some point, we too must entertain that option. That is the wonderful thing. WE HAVE OPTIONS! WE DO NOT HAVE TAKE ANY OF THIS.
In closing, we need to address the violence of our children. We cannot expect people to take us seriously, if we are not outraged by the senseless murders that take place in the country every single day. Every day, Black males are going to prison or the cemetery. We need to deal with this. Our community needs to heal. That can only happen if we repent. As mad as we are at those who make policies and laws we hate. We need to sweep around our own stoop. In my opinion, nothing can happen until we show God we are serious about healing. Our children need resources, faith, purpose and a plan. If protest is all we tend to do, then we need to protest that!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Candy and Tea

Sunday, July 7, 2013
Peace By Pieces

random thoughts... 5 things that say you are preacher
Friday, July 5, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
A Man's Heart
A man's heart is seldom revealed,
for his world consists of many things concealed.
Whether its anger hidden in teardrops
or pain for respect and props.
He will not share with you,
even when you desire him to.
For a man must have thick skin
to hold a tender heart.
Otherwise the people in his life, might be tempted to rip it apart.
So you are spoon fed pieces of a man.
A sort of incompleteness with no room to expand.
You plead with him to share his heart
because perhaps you might have shared yours.
You constantly try to peek behind the mask.
You so often find yourself the last.
So I will share mine with this one thought in mind.
You do not know me so you do not have to be kind.
You can ridicule or disrespect,
yet you cannot puncture what has been concealed to protect.
For my dreams and motives
desires and ambitions
lead me to strange shores producing curious predispositions.
I live, I love, I learn, I laugh, and I cry
just like you but perhaps not in words I could reply.
Instead study my eyes
and peek into my soul.
They are not wells of pain
masked in glares so cold.
If you smile at me, I smile at you.
Frown at me and this is what I do too.
I could hide behind pride,
but that would be a lie.
So instead trying to see,
what you want to see.
See life for what it is and be free.
For I will love if I am allowed to.
For I have to pay like you what is due.
Just hold the moment
grasp it in the palms of your hands.
Do not wish for more than you really can stand.
Take it for what it’s worth
and learn to love a man.
For his heart is like yours
if you take the time apart,
to learn the worth of one man's heart.
Richard J Wright
How happy is the 4th?

The Crossroads of the Black Church
Say what you will about the Black Church. The one thing is certain and that is its staying power. However, the Black Church is also fighting a losing battle with Black America. In short, it seems as if the church is starting to outlive its usefulness. Gone are the days where Black people congregate to talk about voting rights, protest and struggle. Gone are the days where politicians would pay random visits to the church in hopes of soliciting votes. While I am sure there are pockets in America that still do some of these things, the vast majority of churches in the Black community have never seen a politician enter their church doors. The church has lost its way. The Black community and its tax base continues to move from place to place like herds of cattle, forsaking the inner cities for life in suburbia. It is the poor people who are left to struggle with a political base that continues to endorse gentrification and are being forced out by the builders who erect townhomes and cause the taxes in the area to skyrocket.
While we all adore church mothers clapping their hands and singing the old songs, it is the new generation that need urban feel to the their gospel music. Songs that get occasional play in clubs. For some reason, people believe that these songs can save sinners in the middle of bumping and grinding under dark and multi colored strobe lights. Now don't get me wrong. I like some of the new brand of gospel but its no substitute for those old spiritual songs that have history and legacy attached to them. I enjoy Christian rap music but I know that it has its purpose and place but it will not ever become the standard in gospel music. This new generation of believers need to be able to express themselves. However, not at the expense of doing things like reality television and the like. The greatest show on earth is life but when preachers decide to let Hollywood into their lives, well that is problematic at best.
What in the world am I saying? The Black church has changed. I do not think always for the better. Doctrinally speaking, there are churches that are sound. Many churches dance in legalism out of fear. Some churches have just put the bible down and are just doing what they think is right in their own eyes. The church has seen God do many wonderful things. However, for whatever reason it is not enough. Why are churches bowing out of the political atmosphere? Why preach and complain against a society that has kicked prayer out of school, embrace homosexuality under a guise of inclusion, and continues to shred the rights of Christians nationwide and not struggle against the powers that be. Why pray for leaders in the nation if are not going to even engage them to do the right thing? In the midst of prosperity and the doctrine, people have walked away from the political process. Social conditions are worse. Economically speaking, people are in financial strain. As much as we want people to tithe and they should, we should also be about making sure people have fair and equal treatment under the law and struggle against corporate greed that continues to ship jobs overseas.
Many Black men do not fellowship at the church. Many of them have joined churches but they are not engaged. There are real reasons for that too. Men need to be engaged. Men need to struggle and if they do not see themselves in the struggle at large they will just withdraw themselves to their own devices because its like a warrior having no war to fight. As long churches are content to fill their pews with women, it will wink at the sadness that many churches lack manpower. As much as we should lean on Jesus, it takes people to do the work of the kingdom; especially when it comes to the natural work. The recent events involving the removal of certain policy in the voting right act is a sobering reality that Black folks still need to be vigilant in the struggle. Historically, the Black church was the meeting place of the people. It should be the place where we worship God. It should be the place where we sing praises and teach our youth the importance of knowing God. It should be the place where prophets are taught and teachers are made. Yet, it has to become more. After the scriptures teach us, much is given, much is required

Sunday, June 30, 2013
When You Get Tired
There are moments in life that sap your energy. Yesterday, I was right there and saw my energy fly out the window. When I was confronted with this situation, I found myself angry and frustrated. However, when I confronted the situation, I was immediately saddened. Any aggravation, any irritation was completely replaced by pure and utter sadness. It is at these points, where I can be most vulnerable. It causes me to reflect and just think about my own issues. I have to stop and take a step back and see the bigger picture. Life has shown me, when my energy is gone whether emotional, mental or physical even, just get off the merry go round and pray and think. My pastor once told me that you never make a decision when you are tired. The only decision you should make when you are tired is to think before you do make a decision or even a declaration. Life is a trip like that.

Monday, June 24, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Archive Moment Oct 2010 "The Peeling of a Man"

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013

When Men of God Pray Through Their Struggles

Friday, June 7, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Word is the Word
Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you and you be found a liar.
In today's world, people claim that God speaks to them. While, we realize that the LORD does speak, we are told explicitly to do not add to His words, regarding what He speaks. Many prophets are called liars in the time of Jeremiah because the LORD says He had not spoken to them. In our relationship with the LORD it is critical that we lean on His words and not our own. Honestly in our zealousness, we all have said God said this and He really hadn't. As His people, if we are going to be in His will, we must follow Him and not add our 2 cents to what we think He said. We have His word to confirm everything connected to His will for our lives. However, if we start adding to His words, the truth is smeared and we are found to be liars.
The Canon closes in the book of Revelation with a warning Rev. 22:18-19 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things written in this book.
There is no need to enhance or try to improve God at His word. The word is the Word. It is enough. Adding and taking away makes us liars. Lets us just trust in His Words and not mix our own with His truth. We only hurt ourselves. Prophets and leaders have to be careful because when errors are made in declaring His word, it is our error and not God's. This only happens when we interject our "thoughts" into what has been spoken by God and declared by God. The word to the wise is always sufficient, as my father used to say.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Odyssey and Visions of Heaven
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Odyssey is a collection of Christian Poetry dedicated to the Christian believer.
Visions of Heaven is a collection of Christian Poetry and Essays dedicated to the eternal residence of God and His people.
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Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Prayer Letter

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Black Like Me

Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
A mouth to cuss or a mouth to bless
Have you ever had someone to offer you a drink of fresh ice water or tea from a visibly dirty glass? If so, how did you feel? Have you ever been to a restaurant and have been given dirty silverware to use? These things happen all the time. Something that was actually given to be a blessing winds up being tainted. So it is with our mouths. As much as folk want to be blessing or be blessed, they cannot let go of the cursing or crude words. Whether one wants to admit it or not, its a problem that is prevalent among so-called believers. The scriptures tell us we must put foul language away. You cannot speak words of blessing and cursing like a skitzo. When some tells me to be blessed, I take it to heart. However, if that same someone uses foul language in the midst of that, it negates the declaration. Words are not words, they have purpose, relationship, and are the power of life and death. So next time someone offers a cup of blessing but gives a well of curses, cast those words aside for they do not please God. We all should pray for our tongues to be kept by God. Yet we must purpose it. According to Phil 4:8 "FINALLY BRETHREN, WHATEVER THINGS ARE NOBLE, WHATEVER THINGS ARE JUST, WHATEVER THINGS ARE PURE, WHATEVER THINGS ARE OF A GOOD REPORT, IF THERE IS ANY VIRTUE AND IF THERE IS ANYTHING PRAISEWORTHY MEDITATE ON THESE THINGS

Monday, May 6, 2013
Friends and what they mean to us
I once wrote in a piece, that "friendships are like batteries. Some last longer than others". Its about 20 minutes to 6 am and I'm up watching Fat Albert. They always talk about friendships on the show and today's earlier show wasn't any different. I will not go into specifics but suffice to say that sometimes your friends can put you in jacked up positions and then blame you for it. Friends are an interesting dynamic altogether. You are not necessarily bonded by blood but in some cases proximity. Social media is filled with people connecting with one another under the guise of "friendships". Real friendships are personal and because of that, they can be beneficial or hurtful. Toxic relationships often are the poster child between men and women. Yet, its friendships where most toxicity begins and originates. Think about your earliest friends. Are you still friends? I know that in my own personal life that I had many friends growing up but that circle dwindled over the course of time. You have to weigh and consider many things when making friends. Is this relationship beneficial? Can a friendship grow beyond its immediate connections. Friends that have access to you can do things to hurt you. Many people place barriers in their lives, just so they do not have invest time and energy into people.
I personally believe in investing in people. However, everybody that I invest in does not necessarily graduate to friend status. A friend is made for adversity and too often its the friends that are being adverse. This generation calls them frienemies. Which is a ridiculous term. However, I do get the point. However, all the clichés in the world will not make up for the hurt that you feel when someone hurts. Don't get me wrong, sometimes friends mean well but only injure you in the process. Folks make a point to be your "leader" while they expect you to follow and go along with just anything. One thing about life, experiences separate us all. It is our commonality that should bring friends into our circles who are genuinely concerned about thoughtful. The highway of life goes both ways. You put in what you get out. The trouble starts when you expect people do for you tit for tat. Life and its circle just does not work like that. God blesses us when we give but He does not do it on our time table. You sew to expect a harvest. Yet, the harvest is for appointed time. Our friends can be a harvest but like any good farmer will tell you, you need good soil (heart), sunshine (good things), and rain (challenges) and good old fashion hard work (care for the heart) to produce good results. Your friends are the result of good vibrations and good thoughts and common struggles. Cherish them.

Sunday, May 5, 2013
Where ya been?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
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