Its a been a real minute since I have really dedicated myself to posting a real blog post. So, the question can be asked. What have I been up to these days.
1. Holidays Not exactly my favorite time of year, especially being single and struggling with it. It has been cool however because I did really look forward to the holidays. I hung out with family and friends, so it was cool. I didnt really feel like blogging about the experience because in the back of mind, I wanted to share this season with someone special but it was not to be.
2. Busy Not exactly what I wanted to be but I have been working some very long hours. So most times Im just too tired to blog anything.
3. Dating I have been dating a little bit. Trust when I tell you its overrated. Last night for example, I got a text from a friend. The text just simply said call her. Well, I had a long day, and I went to bed early. I just stared at it and put the phone down. Whatever she had to say wasnt that important. Plus she's kinda fickle anyway and I didnt want to be bother honestly. lol
4. Its a new year and there is new opportunities. Earlier this month, I was commissioned for ministry this year as a minister. God be the glory. That is all I can say about that because the challenges of this position are significant but with God's help, managable.
5. My child the teenager Handful. She's not into her dad much more. She's into her friends. Some which I like, and some which I dont. Sad enough I feel that way about their parents the same way, some I like and some I dont. Lately we dont hangout much. It seems I am always dropping her off at one of her friend's house. Glad to see my baby growing up but its a bittersweet type deal.
So that is what I have been dealing with. There is a lot to blog about, so Im getting to work. Peace!