As I began to learn more about you.
I found myself thinking over and over again.
She's going to break my heart.
I see it in your eyes.
I hear it in your lies.
I smell it in your perfume.
I sense it, this pending doom.
And though I want to ignore the signs.
They keep flashing me blindly,
while my mind detects the danger,
my heart is unaware
because it doesnt at the moment care.
Deep down I just want to tell her
"Just get it over with"
Dont take me through years of pain,
kill me now.
Stab me now.
Choke me out.
You gonna do it anyway.
I dont wanna die slow again...
If you love me as a friend,
then you would go ahead and just get it over with,
Richard J Wright (2011)
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