Oh boy, not another Valentine's day. Last year around this time I went to a movie dutch with a woman I was trying to date and get back in her good graces. The movie was "Valentine's Day" Yeah, go figure. Needless to say, Im no where near where I want to be in regards to that woman. (we are still friends... just not what I wanted) I was talking with another friend and we were talking about Valentine's day and she said I was sounding like a hater. Well... I was probably being a hater, but so what. Its another year. Im still single. No one tickles my fancy. Im getting phone calls from women who dont usually call. Im not stupid and Im not doing no mercy dates. Im not spending my hard earned dollars on stuff for people who dont deserve it. I will settle for a dollar movie and a Raising Cane's run before I give Wally World or Walgreens any of my money. Ok, well maybe for my daughter... But that's it.
Im not speaking a foriegn language. You see, in relationships there are languages that people speak. Married folk have a language, people in relationships have them. When you like somebody, its easy to try to communicate your intentions or thoughts but if the other person isnt responding then one or two things are at play. This person doesn't like you like that or they want you to change communication style because they are not hearing you at the moment. The trouble in relationships start when people are not communicating properly. Unfortunately, this can happen to easily if you are not paying attention. Plus, if a person shows you something, then you need to believe it. Dont just look at things as aberations. See it for what it is. There is nothing wrong with forgiveness or forgetting things but patterns and habits are another thing.
Truthfully, I would like some candy. A balloon. A woman to smile at me. Yet, it isnt my time. I know someone right now that would like to do that for me. The trouble is, Im not feeling her like that. Dont get me wrong, she's cool. But everybody isnt for everybody. Somebody is always out here for somebody and not just anybody. That's how I feel. I want love. Yet, I want it the right way with the right woman. Im a complex brother and I need certain things. I cannot ignore who I am. I cannot settle. I wont do it. Not for some lousy holiday called Valentine's Day.
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