Dear Spoiled, Rotten, Idiotic, Millionaires and Billionaires,
You know your labor issues have made me consider that yall are some childish greedy idiots. One of your running backs have related their "struggles" as modern day slavery. I realize that everyone who plays in the NFL does not have to be a Rice graduate but in the immortal words of Ed Lover "Come on son"! That Mr. Adrian Peterson aka "i can run but i will fumble the ball from time to time" is just plain stupid.
While the meat grinder which is the NFL season is brutal and contributes to short careers. I do not think the NFL players should be looking for sympathy from fans. After all, most of us cannot relate to arguing over 9 billion dollars.
Look, I am convince that sports is this world's proverbial matrix. It keeps many families broke from going to games to buying merchandise and pay television. Sports like pop culture invades our existence like a rash we cannot easily get rid of. While the lock out is currently on and the idea of missing games looms on the horizon, I am just sick of you guys. From the players to the owner. All of you are a hot mess.
Make no mistake. I dig the NFL. Yet, you haven't produced a game that has encouraged me to miss Sunday Morning worship at my church. You guys are good, but not that good. The point Im making is that, you guys are just not that important. Now I realize that many hard working people who make close to minimum wage could be in trouble. Those are only ones I feel sorry for. I personally could care less who wins between the owners and players.
To the players, you gonna get played. After all your are players, duh. Nothing personal. It is what it is. You dont think so, go and chat with Earl Campbell, and many other superstars in the NFL from the past. They are busted up and suffer with ailments from the game. They accept the situation they place their bodies in. How can you do it? Yes, you make millions possibly but is it worth one day not being able to hold a spoon or play with your kids?
To the owners, yall know better. How you cats sleep at night? You convince your respective cities to build these stadiums, make your residents and visitors to your city pay hotel and car rental taxes, just to say you dont want to show your employees what you are really working with. Im sure you guys will win. After all, you are owners and you will own the negotiations. The players dont stand a chance. You guys know that. Your horses will be put out to pasture in a few days and you then will bring along some new colts to run up and down the field and you will continue to rake in the dough.
Oh by the way, if any fans may read this let me just say, find other things to do on sunday. Oh here is one, how about going to church. Stop praying to God that your team will win on Sunday. Especially you Texans fans. Dont let the matrix lull you to sleep and get depressed about football being delayed or cancelled. Its not that serious. Unless you get a dime of the 9 billion the owners and players are fighting over, why should you care? They dont care about you. The lock out is proof of that.
A fan that could care less if you play or not, after all I worship and work for a savior that always wins. No competition.
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