Sometimes you have to just smack your own.
- Jim Rome
You know there is something to be said about a gang of teenagers and adults having sex with an 11 year old girl.
First question.
What part of the game is that?
Second question.
Are you negroes in Cleveland that hard up?
Next question.
Why, a child?
I have been sitting on this a minute. I have chosen to not let my mind go there in regards to commenting on the situation. The situation is just that disturbing.
Now here is the pickle. I just need one Cleveland resident to answer this. Will you tell me where Cleveland is? So I wont ever have to spend a dime or a second in your greasy spot.
Now, on to these morons who were brain dead.
When the screen filled up with these pictures of these brothers, my mind said. "These are not your brothers, these are some niggers". Because only a nigger would do something so awful and then try to blame it on the victim".
I might give the Klan a pass on this one.
Let me say that first of all, any fool that was caught out there, I dont feel sorry for you. Its an 11 year old child. You are foolish for more reasons than I can write at the moment. 17 guys. 17 lives. 17 daddies.
17 fathers.
Nobody had a father that taught them any better?
Thats why I have a wild hair for Black boys without fathers.
To the upstanding citizens in Cleveland, Texas. I feel for you. You are forced to have to be the object of foolishness. I hope justice is served.
To those boys (all of yall regardless of age are boys) I FORGIVE YOU.
But dont expect me to invite you to any barbecues anytime soon. Might take a while for me to forget what has happened. I do forgive you. But I must admit, my impulses tell me to line yall up and end your miserable existance by castrating each of you. Because nobody should be that hard up for a child.
Then some of yall taped it.
It hurts me to have to refer to a slur to describe you goons who did this. I dont care if you thought she was older. Yall knew it was wrong and thats why I call you niggers. Cause only a nigger can take something that is immoral and try to make themselves look like heroes in the process.
And to those parents of those backward minded young men, major fail.
It is at this point where you have give or extend some advice.
Now to the parent(s) of the 11 year old. You have my sympathy.
Yet I do want to know, where were you when this was going on?
I must be getting old. Im being tame. Thank God for salvation. Otherwise, I might have bought a rifle and went hunting for wabbits in Cleveland.
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