Sunday, May 13, 2012
Old Books and Old Relationships
Anybody that knows me, knows that I am a book rat. I hang out in bookstores and half price books is my favorite hangout. I would do commercials if they would let me. Needless to say, in my rumbling of books today, I found a copy of Bishop Thomas Weeks' book Teach Me How to Love You. A few years ago, Bishop Weeks and Prophetess Juanita Bynum were the talk of the Black Church community. They married and had an elaborate wedding ceremony. They wrote books and held conferences. Only for it all to end one night at a hotel out somewhere near Atlanta. I held the book in my hand which was going for a mere 2 bucks and thought to myself. Nah, how good could it had been. I put it down and chose a few other books to add to my library. Funny how time goes on. Bishop Weeks has married another woman and Prophetess Bynum has dropped her married name and added a II. My pastor once remarked to me that happiness is predicated on situations and circumstances. Too bad situations and circumstances caused the end of a what some thought would be a powerful union.
There is a new movie out based loosely on the Steve Harvey book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. I have read the book. It is a pretty good read. Entertaining and honest. Notice, I didn't say truthful. There is a lot wrong with the title, let alone the book. For a Christian sister, it can be decieving. After all, Steve Harvey has been on TBN, he is friends with Bishop T.D. Jakes. The idea of a woman having to think like a man is disturbing for no other reason than it contridicts what God would have a woman to think. I get what Steve is saying. However, its not what God wants. The women of the world are eating it up. However, divorce rates remain the same among Christians and non-Christians, so lets not act as if this book is really the solution for women. By the way, while I am here let me ask one last question. "Steve and all of your fans, while the women are actiing like ladies and thinking like men, how are the men supposed act like and think like?"
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Good Jazz and Bad Movies

Last night I went to the Wortham to see the Tia Fuller Quartet. The music was great. The whole band was extremely talented. The range Tia Fuller has is ridiculous.See is a sister who plays alto sax. Something is just sexy about that all by itself. Hey, I am guy, a single guy so allow me the day dream will ya. lol
I was louging with one of my besties and we had a good time. We wasn't ready for the night to end, so we decided to go and check out the new Woman Thou Art Loosed The 7th Day flick. Horrible. Bishop Jakes is the man but he could have let this go straight to video. Generally, I dont like dissing flicks but you should save your money and wait for it to hit red box. It was a good story but overall, the film was all over the place in its content.
Needless to say, I had a ball. Great music, good laughs, made up for a terrible film. God rawks!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Potential and God Vision and Moolah
Jer 29:11 states for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you an expected end.

Here is a question. Why do we want people to be all we want them to be when it comes to dating them?
Here is another question. Why do people need to pass tests to be considered "worthy" in regards to dating?
Don't like that one, here is another. Is the standard we set for our potential mates God centric or our carnal imaginations.
Why did I ask those questions?
Honestly, I dont know. They just seem to need to be asked. Its up to you and I to perhaps answer the question.
Dating potential. Lets cut the poppycock. Does this person I am dating have a considerable future? Money, ministry, etc.
Money isn't everything but its a whole lot of consideration. Think about your own financial status. Will it qualify you or disqualify you?
Let be transparent, I have been disqualified by some women standards. Yes, I have education. Some more than the women I am talking about. I have a title and serve in my local church. I am well known in the gates. I have written and published two books, so far. I have only one daughter. Yet, since I dont make a lot of money. I do not rate in some women's eyes. I have a lot of potential. Yet it works against me in some ways. If I had a six figured job, I am sure my stock would rate higher.
Money isn't everything but more than anything that rates. Interesting indeed. Why do I bring up this? Well, many guys face the same problem. How do I solve my problem? I keep moving forward. Its a numbers game. Some will be all spiritual and say that they are waiting on the LORD. Nothing wrong with that, but if you do not get out and meet people. Your mate isnt coming or even going to recognize you.
So what about Jer 29:11?
Well, its simple. God has a thought toward each of us that is good and with that thought comes an expectancy to be greater than before. Why do we not look at each other the same way? Can we even do it. We always talking about how we should look at each other, the way God sees us. However, in relationships. It does not fly. Some are against dating someone who has not made it yet according to our standards. You have a right and the ability to make the decision. I cannot help but wonder are we throwing away our blessings? Just a thought. What are we really seeing and how do we see really?

Here is a question. Why do we want people to be all we want them to be when it comes to dating them?
Here is another question. Why do people need to pass tests to be considered "worthy" in regards to dating?
Don't like that one, here is another. Is the standard we set for our potential mates God centric or our carnal imaginations.
Why did I ask those questions?
Honestly, I dont know. They just seem to need to be asked. Its up to you and I to perhaps answer the question.
Dating potential. Lets cut the poppycock. Does this person I am dating have a considerable future? Money, ministry, etc.
Money isn't everything but its a whole lot of consideration. Think about your own financial status. Will it qualify you or disqualify you?
Let be transparent, I have been disqualified by some women standards. Yes, I have education. Some more than the women I am talking about. I have a title and serve in my local church. I am well known in the gates. I have written and published two books, so far. I have only one daughter. Yet, since I dont make a lot of money. I do not rate in some women's eyes. I have a lot of potential. Yet it works against me in some ways. If I had a six figured job, I am sure my stock would rate higher.
Money isn't everything but more than anything that rates. Interesting indeed. Why do I bring up this? Well, many guys face the same problem. How do I solve my problem? I keep moving forward. Its a numbers game. Some will be all spiritual and say that they are waiting on the LORD. Nothing wrong with that, but if you do not get out and meet people. Your mate isnt coming or even going to recognize you.
So what about Jer 29:11?
Well, its simple. God has a thought toward each of us that is good and with that thought comes an expectancy to be greater than before. Why do we not look at each other the same way? Can we even do it. We always talking about how we should look at each other, the way God sees us. However, in relationships. It does not fly. Some are against dating someone who has not made it yet according to our standards. You have a right and the ability to make the decision. I cannot help but wonder are we throwing away our blessings? Just a thought. What are we really seeing and how do we see really?
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Souls of Our People

The souls of our people
Have always cried to the LORD.
The souls of our people
Have always relied on the LORD.
From the moment the soles of our feet,
Touched the dusty shores of North America,
The souls of our people cried to the LORD.
Our fathers that were born in this strange land,
Who never saw freedom land,
Cried to the LORD.
We mastered our pain,
And In the songs we sang,
our souls were crying to the LORD.
When freedom came by emancipation,
The souls of our people didn’t go on a vacation.
They worked the lands, and died at the hands
Of oppressors, all the while crying out to the LORD.
From the southern backroads, strange fruit dangled from trees.
While the blood of our people ran deep into the earth.
Giving birth, to generations of sharecroppers and freedom marchers.
All of us, in our souls crying out the LORD.
From Jim Crow, our souls cried out to the LORD.
Our pastors and big mommas praying on the hard floors of wooden shacks,
In blistering heat and hard seats.
Dealing with those hard times and humanity’s crimes
That took place when the sun would go down
And set in many small towns.
The souls of our people cried to the LORD.
All the while time marched on,
Our souls filled with sorrow but promise.
We marched and marched,
Bringing the criminality of our oppressors before the world’s eyes.
We watched our leaders die.
Which gave higher decibels to our cry.
Our weeping began with silence,
Then whimpers, and graduated to blood curling screams,
From the hulls of ships on the Atlantic to jails in Birmingham.
The souls our people continued cry to the LORD.
Then our chains changed.
No longer were we held against our will.
Our will was being held by vices.
From alcohol to herion to crack cocaine.
A chain is a chain by any other name.
And the souls of our people continue to cry.
It has been said,
We are a blues people.
Teaching oppressors how to deal with the blues.
After all, 9/11 taught them one thing.
There is no safe.
Now they walk in paranoia,
Scaring themselves into a frenzy of fear.
When our history with them,
Has always been clear.
How did we deal with the slavery, the rapes, the racism, the lynchings, the molestation of our minds for hundreds of years?
The souls of our people simply cried to the LORD.
And we continue to cry and cry out.
We shall always cry to the LORD.
After all this time,
He is really all we have ever really had.
Richard J Wright
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Stop looking at the clock

A lot of people are desparate to get married or not be single. Why? What is the rush? Truth of the matter is, many of us are looking at the clock. What is the clock? The clock is that time frame we look at when we are considering our lives currently. Women have a time clock inwardly that tells them, its time to get married or have children. The 30s for rough for single women that want children. It becomes more challenging to have children and be married. Truth is none of us cannot rush it, our future is too precious to get caught up in a time machine.
Look, nothing ever happens when we want it to. So get over it. Relax and live your life. As a man, I cannot make somebody love me. I can have nice clothes, a nice house, or whatever, but I cannot look at someone and be like, "hey, do you want to hurry up!". So many women are convinced they are ready to get married but when you check their resume or status, nothing is further from the truth.
One word of caution. Being single can produce a level of no tolerance. The longer you are single, the more you become settled with yourself. People talk about not settling for people that are inferior potential mates. However, what about those singles who settle for themselves? They have let the time elapse and decided they do not want somebody coming in and disturbing their groove. Now, while I do think we should not pay attention to the time clock or time restraint we put on ourselves. Let us be reminded that we are dating with a purpose and not because we are bored. Some people will be content with just dating somebody. I have a friend who once told me, she just wants a Mister to pay her a visit ever once in a while. Sad, but hey that is what she wants. Either way, live your life and stop looking at the clock you have invented for yourself.
Richard J Wright
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A Word to Christian Singles regarding Valentine's Day

In seven days, another Valentine's day will be here. Many of us Christian singles and other singles will see the stuff animals, candy, cards, flowers and most of all, those delightful smiles. We will smile but some of us deep down will be hating. Others will depressed and others will pretend that its just another day. Talk about delusional.
On last night, my spirit was quieted for a moment and the LORD spoke to me. Read Genesis 22. I read the scripture but I didn't know exactly what reason I was reading it. I just heard God say read. Genesis 22 is the chapter in the bible where Abraham is called by God to sacrifice his son. Before Abraham carries out this hard task, God stops him and tells him that He knows that he, meaning Abraham, really loves Him because he didn't spare his own son for Him. As I stated earlier, I didn't understand the significance. However God, spoke in my spirit. We must prepare to sacrifice all. Even if it means our desire to be married or with someone.
There are many married people wishing they were single and many of us singles wish to be married. Yet, we told by the Apostle Paul to remain single. So why do we desire to go against what we know to be a truth Paul wants us to be blessed in? Our appetite for companionship and sex is considerably strong. In fact, Paul makes the concession for our benefit by saying that we should get married if we cannot contain or control ourselves. This Valentine's day coming up, we should seriously consider ourselves or examine ourselves. Do we really want the companionship and what are we willing to do for it? Are you willing to put your desires for marriage on the altar? Will you be melacholy on that day? Will you pray and fast instead of wanting to feed your flesh? Will you slay your desires for one day to show your Father that He is your Valentine and nobody cannot take his place? Or will you sulk in your self pity, wondering if and when God will send you someone?
Abraham was blessed not because God just liked him. He was blessed because he was obedient to the point of losing his child by his own hand because God commanded him to do it. One thing to remember as well, when God stayed Abraham's hand. He still required him to sacrifice. The ram caught in the thicket was provided by God, but only after obedience. So often we think that we are preparing ourselves for marriage by cleaning up our credit, changing our mindset, developing character and integrity. However, none of these are quite possible if we are not focusing on God. God has to be our desire. God isnt fooled by our vain pursuits of marriage. We might approach God with our desire to have a mate but God isnt listening to you because God is a God of authority and He knows that when we take a mate, we handling apart of our lives to someone. We are not just desiring a spouse but someone who will have authority over us as well. Why would God give you someone to be over you in the fear of Him, to only watch us forget His personal authority over us? We all know we can talk ourselves almost into anything. We will marry unbelievers or non believers thinking we can change them. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Paul wanted us to focus on who we are because we can accomplish much in the Kingdom. Single people can do more than those who are married because we have to care for someone.
This Valentine's day. We should not think about the love we do not have or desire one to have. Instead we should think solely about the LOVE of our souls. The one who has redeemed us and whose word is eternal. Sacrifice your thoughts about the one you want for the love you have. Keep the spirit of that revelation alive daily. Perhaps God will bless you with a spouse, however if God doesn't give you that spouse. You will not lose any sleep or agonize over the possibilities of your life without someone. God is our Valentine and He is a jealous God. He doesn't want to compete with someone you don't know or wont even know without His provision.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
An Open Letter to my Future Wife VI
Dear wife,
I have had a tough go of it lately. I have been sick and not really myself of late. Sometimes I get scared. I just wish that you was here to help me. I have told myself that you will come around soon enough. Other times, I told myself, "I dont think she's coming". Either way, Im just wishing you were here. I think about you all the time. I dont know if that is a good thing. I just know that I love you.
I have had a tough go of it lately. I have been sick and not really myself of late. Sometimes I get scared. I just wish that you was here to help me. I have told myself that you will come around soon enough. Other times, I told myself, "I dont think she's coming". Either way, Im just wishing you were here. I think about you all the time. I dont know if that is a good thing. I just know that I love you.
Where in the Sam Hayaale U Been? pt. 2

1) Computer has died. There isnt anything worse than your computer biting the dust. I took it to the Staples shop, and was given the bad news. You know the kind of bad news that I am talking about techies. "Its cheaper to buy a new one, than fix this one". Yeah. My sentiments exactly.

2) My job thinks that slavery is legal, (allegedly...) Or at least I feel that way sometimes. Last week, I worked 57 hours. That is too much. I have been burning the candle on both ends, needless to say.
3) My teenager. When my baby was born. I held her and cried. Now I know why. She's 14, cute, has an attitude and doesn't care much for authority these days. So, we are going back and forth trying to make things right. She drives me nuts, but hey I love my pooh-bear.
So, those are the top three issues that have made life happen in one shape or another. The last day or so, I have had the toothache from the bottom of hell. So much pain until I did not sleep a wink. As a result, I have not eaten really. Im scared to do, I got ease back into it. Now, since I am a mama's boy and I am single, you know what I did. That's right... Sitting up while everyone is sleep at mama's house. Hey, dont be hating. :) Sometimes, life reminds you that it is fragile and you need people around you. Shout out to my brother Jack, who brought me to my parents house because I was too weak to drive anywhere. Shout out to my pastor who prayed for me as well. The pain has gone. Thank you Jesus! (praise break) So for the next day or so, I will blog a bit and I have a few things on my mind. So, like that preacher up I-45 in Dallas at the potters house says, "get ready, get ready, get ready!!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

Its a new year! I am most excited. Simply because I am glad to see it. 2011 was rough. Real rough. God has been and is good but it was a rough ride nontheless. Having said that, I have been evaluating friendships, relationships, connections and the like. Simply put, some of these frienships, relationships and connections are gone. Over the next few months. I am cleaning house. In my mind, in my heart, in my soul, and in my house. I am having funeral services for many things and people. Too bad those people and things wont even know that they are being buried. I cannot afford to lose focus this year. Spark the revolution. Hopefully, it will last longer than 5 minutes.
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