In seven days, another Valentine's day will be here. Many of us Christian singles and other singles will see the stuff animals, candy, cards, flowers and most of all, those delightful smiles. We will smile but some of us deep down will be hating. Others will depressed and others will pretend that its just another day. Talk about delusional.
On last night, my spirit was quieted for a moment and the LORD spoke to me. Read Genesis 22. I read the scripture but I didn't know exactly what reason I was reading it. I just heard God say read. Genesis 22 is the chapter in the bible where Abraham is called by God to sacrifice his son. Before Abraham carries out this hard task, God stops him and tells him that He knows that he, meaning Abraham, really loves Him because he didn't spare his own son for Him. As I stated earlier, I didn't understand the significance. However God, spoke in my spirit. We must prepare to sacrifice all. Even if it means our desire to be married or with someone.
There are many married people wishing they were single and many of us singles wish to be married. Yet, we told by the Apostle Paul to remain single. So why do we desire to go against what we know to be a truth Paul wants us to be blessed in? Our appetite for companionship and sex is considerably strong. In fact, Paul makes the concession for our benefit by saying that we should get married if we cannot contain or control ourselves. This Valentine's day coming up, we should seriously consider ourselves or examine ourselves. Do we really want the companionship and what are we willing to do for it? Are you willing to put your desires for marriage on the altar? Will you be melacholy on that day? Will you pray and fast instead of wanting to feed your flesh? Will you slay your desires for one day to show your Father that He is your Valentine and nobody cannot take his place? Or will you sulk in your self pity, wondering if and when God will send you someone?
Abraham was blessed not because God just liked him. He was blessed because he was obedient to the point of losing his child by his own hand because God commanded him to do it. One thing to remember as well, when God stayed Abraham's hand. He still required him to sacrifice. The ram caught in the thicket was provided by God, but only after obedience. So often we think that we are preparing ourselves for marriage by cleaning up our credit, changing our mindset, developing character and integrity. However, none of these are quite possible if we are not focusing on God. God has to be our desire. God isnt fooled by our vain pursuits of marriage. We might approach God with our desire to have a mate but God isnt listening to you because God is a God of authority and He knows that when we take a mate, we handling apart of our lives to someone. We are not just desiring a spouse but someone who will have authority over us as well. Why would God give you someone to be over you in the fear of Him, to only watch us forget His personal authority over us? We all know we can talk ourselves almost into anything. We will marry unbelievers or non believers thinking we can change them. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Paul wanted us to focus on who we are because we can accomplish much in the Kingdom. Single people can do more than those who are married because we have to care for someone.
This Valentine's day. We should not think about the love we do not have or desire one to have. Instead we should think solely about the LOVE of our souls. The one who has redeemed us and whose word is eternal. Sacrifice your thoughts about the one you want for the love you have. Keep the spirit of that revelation alive daily. Perhaps God will bless you with a spouse, however if God doesn't give you that spouse. You will not lose any sleep or agonize over the possibilities of your life without someone. God is our Valentine and He is a jealous God. He doesn't want to compete with someone you don't know or wont even know without His provision.
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