A lot of people are desparate to get married or not be single. Why? What is the rush? Truth of the matter is, many of us are looking at the clock. What is the clock? The clock is that time frame we look at when we are considering our lives currently. Women have a time clock inwardly that tells them, its time to get married or have children. The 30s for rough for single women that want children. It becomes more challenging to have children and be married. Truth is none of us cannot rush it, our future is too precious to get caught up in a time machine.
Look, nothing ever happens when we want it to. So get over it. Relax and live your life. As a man, I cannot make somebody love me. I can have nice clothes, a nice house, or whatever, but I cannot look at someone and be like, "hey, do you want to hurry up!". So many women are convinced they are ready to get married but when you check their resume or status, nothing is further from the truth.
One word of caution. Being single can produce a level of no tolerance. The longer you are single, the more you become settled with yourself. People talk about not settling for people that are inferior potential mates. However, what about those singles who settle for themselves? They have let the time elapse and decided they do not want somebody coming in and disturbing their groove. Now, while I do think we should not pay attention to the time clock or time restraint we put on ourselves. Let us be reminded that we are dating with a purpose and not because we are bored. Some people will be content with just dating somebody. I have a friend who once told me, she just wants a Mister to pay her a visit ever once in a while. Sad, but hey that is what she wants. Either way, live your life and stop looking at the clock you have invented for yourself.
Richard J Wright
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