The bible makes an interesting declaration about love. It says that love covers a multitude of faults. When we think of the word multitude, we think of an unknown but high number. Why then are we so quick to put away people over just any old thing. The truth be told, love is often spoken of, but rarely in operation. Of course, in the context of the bible, this type of love that is being spoken of, is the love of God or the love that God has for us all.
Sometimes people wrong us in many ways and yet those same people will need your love from time to time. While we can become bitter if we do not check ourselves, it is important to remember that love isnt a passing phase or just something that we desire and dont understand. Rather love is state of consciousness that involves responsibility, compassion, understanding, passion, and willingness. Some mistake love as an emotion. The trouble with labeling love as an emotion is the idea that it only a human concept. The bible declares emphatically that God is love, so how could love be a human concept when the author of love itself is Spirit.
God in his infinite wisdom loves unconditionally. While we perhaps make strides to love the same way, we always fall short because of our human reasoning. However, there are many opportunities to share love with people that we like. However, what about those we do not like or care for. God loves everyone. There is only one case in the bible I recall where God actually said that He hated someone, that someone being Esau who traded his birthright for a bowl of lentils or beans. Yet, the truth be told, hate isnt the opposite of love as many people believe. Fear is the opposite of love. People do hateful things not because of hate itself but because of fear.
I had a situation today where someone who I once was close too, sent me a text message. The situation was of a grim circumstance and they wanted me to pray for them. This person even asked if I could find it in my heart to do so. Now, I could have honestly ignored the message but I felt it would have shown a lack of compassion if I did not. I responded to the text and even called the person. I began to minister to their heart about reminded them of God's power and to trust God in their trial. As much as love is personal, it is greater than that. When you live long enough in this world, you come to find out that it isnt about you at all. You learn that it is about the God who created us to be loving toward one another. When you think about the love God gives freely, who are we to not share that love. If God isnt bitter toward me and my foolishness throughout my life, why should I be when someone is down. Should I kick them? No. God forbid. While the pain that was in my heart for the longest due to what transpired between the two of us. I realized that today, that pain has disappeared. Simply because I understood the importance of love and covering. Sometimes you may know someone doing some serious dirt. You dont understand why they do what they do but you still have love for them because you understand clearly that love does cover a multitude of faults. People dont need snitches or a finger wagging at them. They need love. Christ said to us that we are bless them that curse you and despise you. He understands that we all need to be covered because without the covering of God. We are exposed and shamed for our deeds. Love does not shame anyone. It covers just like the God that created love does.
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