Lately, I have been dealing with my own issues. However, Im taking a break from that nonsense to discuss a real dangerous topic: The trouble with some of our White Christians. How is it possible in 2009 that racism is still raping the soul of America? Truthfully, racism is one of Satan's most powerful weapons. With the election of our first Black president Barrack Obama, we have seen the fangs of some whites proverbially manifest. There are cowards in the pulpit praying for President Obama's death. I am not even going to give these idiots any pub on this site. You want to know more than google it.
The health care issue has been the powder keg of choice. While many Americans grow leery of the democrats issue of having a government sanctioned health care plan for many Americans who do not have health care; It has divided the country most along race lines. However, I ask a question. Have you been someone without health care. Do you know how terrible it is to go the emergency room without health care insurance? Personally, I have been blessed most of my working life to have health insurance. There were times I thought I couldn't afford it. Yet, I still signed up for it because it is one of those things in life that is better have and not need it than to need it and not have it. I can tell you that the emergency room has been used by Americans as a first and last resort. Recently the emergence of many urgent care facilities has arise to stem this tide. Yet, again the issue is health care. It is better to pay a co-pay more than to pay a flat fee. Either way, prescriptions are also an issue. High blood pressure medicine is expensive. Yet, if you do not have insurance it could be a choice of eating or not. I am not here to debate the issue but it serves as a backdrop to one of America's oldest sicknesses, racism.
Lets be honest. Many White folks do not like Black people period. It has been that way for the longest in this nation. Electing a Black man into the highest office in the country was not the America many Whites envisioned. Yet, God and destiny had made a determination that was going to happen. Some whites have gone as far as to label president Obama as the anti-Christ. Poor stupid White folks. What is hilarious is the fact that most of our recent presidents have been labeled as the anti-Christ too. Also, let us not forget the stupid Black people who also join in on this smelly dung heap. They too will not get any pub here. You want to know about them, google them to your heart's content. What is the problem? Why is race still a factor in this nation? Well, history teaches us that Whites have a deep seeded fear. This is Satan's tricknology towards Whites. They poison their babies with their fear and the tradition of fear lives on. Do Whites think that they are closer to God possessing this type of fear? Its a running joke among people of color that White people are scared and scary in general. We run into them on our jobs alot. I have called out Whites on their political views. Do they think that right wing talk radio and ring wing media are preaching the gospel? It's funny on the surface and a crying shame at the roots.
So while many people of color enjoy one of histories greatest achievements, Whites are sitting in their cars commuting to work and sitting at the dinner table lamenting over the state of the nation. White supremacists are enjoying new found membership and status. White preachers are using the sacred desk to spew hate for a man and his "socialist" politics. Socialist politics. Yeah right. The few idiots who have a forum are using fear and scare tactics to make gun companies lick their chops. Check out who are the chief gun owners in this nation. Google it because I am not going to waste this space talking about who is afraid in this nation. Yes, White people are scared. Yet, I caution them with this statement. If White Christians believe that they are right in their backward stance of siding with the desire that the President of the United States fails or worst, even dies. You will only serve as the dumping ground of what people all over the country and the world know about Whites. They are scared and vicious. History will not record your achievements as great. History will simply record you as a people who were decieved by yourselves because you possess the weakest emotion mankind has ever known. Fear. The bible teaches that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind. So, White America what do you really have and more than that, who gave you your fear? It certainly wasn't a carpenter from Nazareth. Check yourself. Those are your weakest links, your fear and your inability to check your own people. Though they are a pathetic minority among you. Like reality television, they are making good White Americans look very bad. You ought to be ashamed.
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