I recently had a conversation with a sister who always talks about what she wants a man to do. This same sister unfortunately has a jacked up attitude, which is why probably she doesn't have a man. I told her point blank that her attitude was on of the reasons that holds her back. Now, life sometimes can be cruel. Our attitudes are shaped by our respective histories. I told her that she needs to be more grateful for the things that she does have versus the things she doesn't have. At the end of the conversation, I asked her what can she offer a man really. She came up to the conclusion that she didn't really have anything to offer. Which is why her attitude is stank in the first place.
Sometimes you have to take the lemons that life gives and make lemonade. You may want strawberry soda but if all you have is lemons then you work with whatever you have. She then sadly decided she didn't want to talk any further. I hoped I had given her something to think about because I do beleive that your attitude determines your altitude. Hey, life isnt fair. Then again who ever said it was. You have to play the cards you are dealt but its the way you play them that make up the difference.
In relationships one of things I told her was that compromise has to take place. You cant have your cake and eat it too and expect those you are relationships with to just deal with it. Only a sucker falls for that. People too often want it to be all about them. This the reason divorce is so high in our nation. Selfishness. Selfishness never saves a relationship. It always kills them. If you want to break up with someone, then just make the whole relationship about you. My friend probably felt a sense of brokeness because at the end of day. As much as she thought about what a man should do for her. She probably hasn't stopped long enough to think about what she could do for a man. As much as sex plays in relationships, it will and has never kept a relationship afloat. I dont care how great the sex is. A woman will leave a man with good sex for a man who can provide security and comfort. While our selfishness tend to be fleeting moments in life, which is why people cheat or form emotional bonds with people outside the relationship. Staying power in relationships are about communication and sacrifice. So ask yourself, what can really offer someone. If all you think about your needs, then that is all you will have to deal with. Your needs unmet and your heart unfulfilled. It is what it is.
"Hey, life isnt fair. Then again who ever said it was."
I like that. I never thought of it like that either.
I do want some strawberry soda, but right now I have lemons ... so I'll make some lemonade. *smile*
One thing I do know is that sometimes your lemonade will make you bring out things inside of yourself you perhaps did not thinl possible. Plus, its only for a short time. You can get your strawberry soda but you may have to wait for it or at least position yourself to get it.
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