I earn a paycheck like many people in this country. I am somebody that has to get up off his butt every morning and punch a time clock. Thank God. As an artist and author, it is a challenge to do it daily. There isnt a day that goes by that I dont think about leaving the Corporate world and doing something different. Well, a brotha have bills, so that just isnt happening right now.
At my job, I deal with the public. Let me just say this, sometimes the public sucks at people skills and professionalism. Now, from the outward appearance I may appear to be a grunt to some. Yes, I use my back and muscles to earn a paycheck. That top notch job Im looking for hasn't come way just yet. So I have to do what I have to do. When Im dealing with the public in my setting, I try my best to be courteous and speak. Too often however, people dont speak back. Have you ever said hello to someone and to only have them not even bother speaking or respond to a greeting. Welcome to my world.
Recently, I was accused of being rude to someone and having an attitude. The sales representative contacted me personally to get my side of the story because it just didn't seem to be right. Well the a-hole apparently cc a whole lot of people at the top about me and it was a concern. The sales person didnt even bother to contact my supervisors because she knew it was an issue with the people in this particular building. Engineers are some of the most gifted people in business but many of them suck at a public relations. They are prima donnas getting paid healthy sums of cash. One thing about money, it can make you go from being a hungry dedicated worker into a full blown snob. Yep, sometimes people think they stuff dont stink. Im a Christian, so I wont utilize the word that is fitting for this ya-hoos. Im used to people walking up to me all over this complex and just start talking about their needs. Do you have such and such? No formal introduction or anything. People dont take the time and say hi, how you doing? They just go off into some request as if I dont even exist or matter to a point. I once shared this same sentiment with a co-worker who then laughed and said "they not supposed to speak to you, you the help. You dont speak to the help" Aint that a _______.
People are funny like that. They get their little feelings hurt and want to ruin you by getting you fired. Now on this particular day, it was rainy the whole entire day. I was getting soaked the whole day. I was trying to do my job when this one guy who was having an exchange with another contractor, abruptly turned my way. I wasnt even facing the guy. He says "how's your day going?" Insert pregnant pause. Im like look at me, Im soaking wet. Tired. You in this little office area dry and all peachy but you asking me how my day going. What does it look like? (I didnt say that, i said all of this to myself in the pregnant pause) lol. Now I was in the office area for about 4 to 5 minutes before he spoke to me at all. Oh I guess I should be grateful for the acknowledgement. Ah alas. It is what it is. People get off being snobs but since Im perceived as a peon I should be grateful anybody is talking to me at all. Get out of here!
Could have I handle the situation differently, Yes of course. However it burns me up that people treat people a certain way because of their vocation. Race and class are two ugliest issues in Corporate America but it is what it is. In retrospect, I probably should have shaken off the liquid sunshine and greet the johnny-come-lately tool with a pleasant smile. Boy sarcasm oozes through my pores. Well, im dont venting. For now.