Its no secret that I am not a perfect person. Its no secret that I am not the best looking guy on the block. I have many flaws, physically and emotionally. However, I do have a heart and one thing about having a heart is that people will play with your heart if given the chance.
I have a friend who at one time I tried to start a relationship with. I took her out, showed her a good time, the whole nine yards. Now, Im the type of cat that believes in being transparent with people. Especially, if I am trying to deepen our relationship. Therefore, I put my cards on the table, good or bad. Well, truthfully some of the cards was a bit too much for this sister to handle. Its cool. One thing about being a man, you are used to being rejected or dissed by women. Its a numbers game so it is what it is. Yet, this same sister thought she could deal with some of the issues I have. Yet, at the end of the day it was too much.
What is funny is that sometimes its a good thing to check somebody's temperature. Now me and old girl are cool. We are friends. So its all good. So I decided recently to see what her temperature was. I told her I started seeing someone. She then tried to get up in all my business. She asked more questions than a home loan application. Now, the whole time I was laughing because it seemed to me that she was a little bit touched. Now what makes this so funny is the fact that she had a "friend" who just so happen to take her out one night to a spot that she had asked me to take her. (thats another story). Anyway, old girl goes out with the dude the same night and winds up spending the night with the dude. Now she volunteers this info because hey, its all good, we are friends. She then tells me she's spending the weekend with old boy. I sent her a text after the last conversation we had and told her that I wasnt seeing anyone. She then blames me for the lie. (which truthfully wasnt a lie, I just wanted to see what she was going to do) She tells me that she wasnt sure about old boy but the confession I gave about seeing someone was all she needed. She sent me a text telling me that since I told her I was seeing someone. It was enough to let her know she could do what she wanted to do. What?
I hate being blamed for something I had no part of. She wanted to screw old boy and tried to say me telling her I was seeing someone was instrumental in her doing what she did. Hey, If you want to open your legs to somebody, you dont need anyone else to telling something to do it. Now keep in mind, we are just friends. We never slept together and I had not seen her in a while. Just phone conversations and what not. Yet, she never spent any nights at my house, much less the weekend. I'm just saying, come on. You did what you wanted to do. This was the last thing I texted to her. Which led to no response on her part. The truth has a way of making people silent. Me, Im just laughing at the whole thing. How you gonna blame me for what you wanted to do. Did she really need me to tell her Im seeing someone to convince her that she could and want to sleep with someone. Talk about being juvenile.
Well. Its been a few days. I called old girl to see how she was doing. I was met with voicemail. After a couple of calls, I decided to leave her a voicemail. "hey, how you doing, just checking on you, hope the weekend was great. yada yada yada". I guess love is in the air. Which is funny because she used to tell me that she loves me. People are so full of crap. LOL Where is Tina Turner when you need her. Whats love got to do with it? Not a friggin thing. Not a single friggin thing. One thing I do know, when a woman wants to look around, I dont stop her, I dont handcuff her. I let her get it how she live. Me. I just move around. Life is too short and people are too short in their thinking.
LOL @ more questions than a home loan. I've never had to take an application for one personally or had to do one for a customer, but that made me think of the credit card applications I've done in the past for customers and that made me chuckle. Yes, I too have learned that people have an interesting way of wanting to know about your love life.
As for the last comment - life is short and people are short in their thinking. That was well said. I totally agree.
Essentially she needed someone to blame for her shortcomings. She thought she could pass the buck to you, but you just passed it right back. AND you handled yourself so well. This just makes me want to sit down and take notes.
Yeah it was one of those things. People do strange things. Whats funny is that I saw her today. I saw her at a restaurant. I spoke simply saying hello. I ordered my food and left. She then called me about 10 minutes later and asked why did i leave so soon. Huh? What's that about? I told her, I ordered my food and bounced. What am I supposed to do. Chit chat about whatever? Yeah right. It let me know that she still cuts for me. Yet, I dont have the time for the foolishness. It is what it is.
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