Dr. John Henrik Clarke, one of our greatest Black Historians said at a Black Holocaust Conference I attended back in 1995 that the greatest service one can give is service to God's children. I second that. In this world of social networking and technology, the actually face to face time with people in service is dwindling. Do you remember the days when the gas service attendant actually pumped gas for you? Now it is almost non existant to see a gas service attendant. Do you remember the days when you had to go into a bank to get money or even write a check and give it personally to someone? Those days are more few due to the advances man has made. Service. People who do not work in a service environment may not be able to relate to what I am saying but I do know that many do. I am a deacon in a local church. Every Sunday I render a service to people for and unto God. Truthfully, I render service daily. As a deacon, it is a unwritten rule that your life not only belongs to God but to all people.
Ministry is a tough job. It is many times a voluntary service that is filled with challenges, triumphs and disappointments. However, it is greatest vocation in this world. IMO. Service however, does not need to be done in a church. Many people serve in a number of capacities. The idea however is to give to people. How are giving to people. Some people are too busy to give people their time, talent and even money. We live a world that is filled with hurting people that need encouragement and a life line. You have the capacity to be that life line. In ministry, we pour out our lives. We sacrifice our time to serve people and the needs of the church body. We neglect our families sometimes. Yet, we know that its a greater cause we live for. Sometimes we get beat up by people for what we do. Sometimes you feel unappreciated but you go into it understanding that my service is my sacrificial offering to God. When you do something like volunteering, you have to know that people will be blessed by what you do. You cannot operate as if the world revolves around you. One thing is certain, you get a satisfaction like no other when you see the smiles and laughter of children and adults. People appreciate it when they see Christ in action versus yapping.
I want to encourage you to spend sometime somewhere with some people. Visit an elderly home. Take that extra four bucks you was going to spend at Starbucks and buy a homeless person a meal. Greet someone with a smile. Go to a library. Volunteer at a hospital or homeless shelter. Join an organization dedicated to bettering lives. Women need you. Children need you. I cannot tell you how much children in particular need people. At church, they just want to hug you and talk. Sometimes those hugs and talks are the only hug and talks they get in a week. It is so important. One last thing. Do not ever feel you dont have anything to offer. You do. Your life is a drink. Pour it out and watch God pour more into you than you could ever imagine. Dont let people and their foolishness stop you from being a blessing. You are too important and significant than you may know.
Richard J Wright (2009)
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