I read somewhere once person said that a Black man should get his butt kicked at least once a decade. I guess the point made was that you should never get too big for your britches like my mama used to say. Failing tends to give you that kick in the butt. I have failed several times. I personally have lost count. Yet, with each failure is an opportunity to learn a great lesson. Simply put, when you fail, you just go back to the proverbial drawing board. There is nothing wrong with starting over. With a new year looming in the horizon. All sorts of thoughts about what people want to do and will do in the next year. However, it is important to think about and even begin to function as if the new year is already here.
Relationships seemed to be the place of failure too often. Lord knows I have had my share. I have learned that when people start backing up its best to back away from them as well. Now dont misunderstand me. I said back up, not leave. Sometimes people will give you the very thing you need. Whether its space, food for thought or whatever. You just flow with it. People that pursue often are met with frustration and anxiety. I dont want to be one of those people. It doesnt necessarily mean you have failed but it just tells you where you are really with people.
In my life, I have some soul searching to do. I have some interests that I need to seek in a greater way. Simply put, I gotta get busy. For me getting busy means going back to the drawing board and reconstruct a new plan. Tony Dungy once said that a goal without a plan is only a wish. Im tired of wishing. Therefore, its back to the drawing board.
I want to get closer to God. Seriously, I have fell off the wagon. Yes, I still love God. Yes, I serve at my church but I need to know Him in a greater way. I feel personally that if I get to know the Creator of life in a deeper way, then His creation and His creatures will not baffle me as much as they do. 2010 for me will be a year of focus on Him. Yes, I would like to get married. Yes, I would like to continue my writing in a greater way. Yet, I realize that my blessing lies with God and God alone. He has my future and all in it in His hands. Instead of seeking what's in His hands, I will do my best to seek His face. I gotta start over. Hell is too hot and eternity is too long to be wrong.
Let the composition begin... again.
Richard J Wright
1 comment:
You really write very well. I feel all that you wrote. I too need to reevaluate and do something. 2010 will be a rebuilding year for me as well. I look forward to getting a closer relationship with God. I too love him and trust him...BUT am I doing things regularly to get to know him better? Not like I should, so I have to get my train back on track. Thanks for your blog. Please pray for me and I will continue to pray for you.
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