Well. I pray the holiday was awesome. I pray that you got enough to eat. I pray that you found it in your heart to help someone. Maybe it was nothing more than helping your drunk uncle realize that he was too hammered to drive home. Either way, I hope the holiday went well. Now its "bait and switch" oops... I mean Black Friday. This day, hundreds of people will roll out of bed, stand in a ridiculous line in the cold. Why to get a good deal. Many Black people will tell themselves, man its too cold but you can find more than a few of us. A brother called me and told me that Joseph A Banks is selling Cashmere sweaters at a ridiculous price. Now this brother is very frugal and it is something he himself cannot pass up. Yeah we all have seen a sale where none of us can pass up and that really is a major problem in our community.
So are Black people who are enterpreneurs participating in the drive to make the economy gauge hiccip for about a half a second? I am willing to bet there may be a couple. However, Black businesses truthfully wont see a whole lot of action. This day is for the big boys, you know Wally World and Tar 'jay. My daddy taught me something a long time ago "you get what you pay for". So that "42 inch flat screen going for about 300 bucks is worth really just about that. Yesterday, my brother schooled me about flat screens and the quality pictures. Today people will pick up a bunch inferior product for basement products.
So, why are we so ready to spend our money? While mama's old adage rings loudly in my head "you cannot take it with you", I do know that tommorow will be another day and sometimes we are broke because we think stuff like "life is short" "laugh now and cry later". I know im sick of life being long and crying later for my stupid mistakes. Have you ever bought something that sat in the bag or on the hanger for weeks on end. Its because it really wasn't something that you needed to had to have.
That feeling really sucks.
In 2010, one of things I will working on and sharing will be our spending and investment potential. Okay, let me scratch that. I will be trying to cut my spending and invest more for the future. One of the first signs of the road to recovery is realizing you have the problem and not someone else.
Even now im tempted to get up and go see what's on sale. Yet I have pressing matters. My daughter, Ashley has already given me her wish list. I cannot say I am mad at it. Translation: There isnt nothing expensive on the list. Aint God good? Im sure I will wind up in a store today, for how long will be determined. I don't lines well. Especially ones that swing around the building. Yep. Somebody right now, is catching a cold because they just have to have that item they saw the newspaper or online.
If there is a Black business near you. Go and support it. The legal ones. Okay. Im not trying to be funny... Okay, yes I am. Anyway, spend some dough with your people. They need it. I need it. If the Black is expected to spend his or her money on Black friday, we should at least benefit somehow. Anybody got Jesse Jackson's number? I wonder what his take is on Black Friday and the Black folks that buy into this economic shell game. I dont know. The economy is down and retailers are expecting us to still spend because in less than 30 days its Christmas? Really. Maybe its about time this nation remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Bless the Lord, we can always hope, yeah. Like President Barrack Obama said, Yes we can.
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