I am a man.
100% male.
After I eat, drink and breathe, sex is craved.
Now honestly speaking. That is a task.
Especially trying to live life as a Christian single.
Historically, sex has been a dirty word or better yet an ignored word in the Body of Christ. Yet, millions of Christians struggle with this dynamic in life. If our thoughts were to be laid out on a table, you can bet *not that I am a gambling man* that sexual thoughts would crowd the table. In having conversations with Christian men and women, I can tell you that all of us struggle with this. If the truth were to be told, many of us would get married not because we have found somebody that we truly love and want to spend the rest of lives with. It would be so we could have sex. Which leads to the question, do we want love or lust? The body is wired in men to desire sex. Period. Ladies, you know the drill. Any guy who tells you that he isn't interested in having sex with you but a good wholesome relationship is lying. Now, do I believe that men and women can have plutonic relationships, sure. However, how many times do those boundaries get crossed through signals, signs, and thoughts? Men and women need to develop relationships with a purpose and that purpose must be communicated and followed through. I have heard sisters say "just be honest", "keep it real". Yeah right. That is about as good as the first two seconds it takes to say that and the next 5 seconds to hear it. We have to be honest with ourselves first of all. All this "make love to my mind" is poppycock. While mental stimulation is proper in courtship many men know whether or not they are serious with a potential mate. Too often, the sister gets played because she allows herself to get played. Words are powerful but actions speak volumes. Do not allow a man to spend a little cash and take you to a few sites to entice you into giving him something you cannot get back. Once you have done the deed, you cannot go back. I know women who sleep with a man and call that person their man and yet they have no jewelry on their finger, they have no reference point to stand on. If you not married, you are single. Period. I dont care how long you have been sexing the individual it is fornication at the end of the day. Then sisters get a date in their heads. If such and such doesn't marry me or give me a ring, then Im out. Out to where? Its self justification which only works in Soap Operas and sitcoms. While I hear many sisters lament that they want love, too often they find themselves entangled in lustful relationships with no direction. God meant sex for marriage but you have wrap your minds around what God wants and not what you think you need.
As a Christian man who is single. Im not perfect and I have slipped up. Yet, if we are not careful. Conviction will be felt less and less and less. Which is a dangerous area altogether. I had to reach a point where I had to ask myself the question, do I want love or lust? You have to set parameters, boundaries around your personal space and heart. Otherwise, you will be scratching your head, wondering how you found yourself in this predicament. If a person wants to please God, then you have to flee and resist the temptation. Sometimes you gotta run. Sometimes, a cold shower helps. Yet, like an elder once told me. Lust is like playing with a set of keys. You keep playing with it and eventually you will drop it, pick it up and search for a new way to play with them. You get bored with the initial playing and so you graduate to new ways to entertain yourself. You have to be honest with yourself. You know how much rope it will take to hang yourself. The idea is to not reach for that much rope. While grace will cover us it was never intended to be an excuse to sin. Where sin is, grace abounds. However, shall we continue in sin that grace may abound, God forbid. So brothers and sisters, I know they are cute and attractive but lust will keep you being blessed. God does not bless mess. Repent and return. There is no other way.
This is so true. There is a great book titled Choosing God's Best that really helped to put things into perspective for me. At the end of the day, we are held accountable for our actions and living in/with sin seperates us from God.
Thanks for reading and you are right, we are accountable for our actions.
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