I love being a father. Trouble is life gets in the way and your time with you children is limited. So I heart my time with my daughter. Especially when we riding somewhere. A few weeks ago, we had a conversation about music. Now my daughter is 13 years old. Im about to be 43 in a couple of months, if the good LORD says the same. Now too often your child will remind you that you are old. lol I got my moment of clarity in this conversation.
I asked my child a question.
(parents... i dont care how spiritual you are, but dont be shocked if your child gives you answer you dont care for)
Who is your favorite artist?
"ummm Nicki Minaj"
The next few minutes were spent filled with heavy sighs, and an occasional "what?"
*calm down Rich, it could be worst* yeah right...
Now my daughter answered the question honestly, and she didnt give me someone I thought I might like or just want to hear. Gold Star for Ashley.
Then I ask her, why Nicki Minaj?
She tells me, she's cool and funny.
*thats one way of putting it*
Now, honestly Nicki is funny to me. Her lyrics are hilarious. She admitted in an interview in Houston, that Lil Wayne called her a geek. Her style is a lil geeky but that is apart of the attraction... I guess. Now of course chick is very attractive, that does not hurt. However.... my kid is 13 and uh i dont know Nicki Minaj is the role model I want my child emulating. Ya Dig.
Now kids are gonna have their music tastes. It might be terrible to my ears but its awesome to them. What do you do?
1. Pray because they are gonna hear it in the streets and in school.
2. Try to provide alternatives. Good luck with that. lol But its about balance. Show your kids there is more than the "pop culture phemon of the day"
3. Affirm your kids. Look, you dont have to like the crap they love but it behooves you to understand it.
4. Stay a parent. Dont try to be your child's friend. You are their parent, show them you have standards for them and you wont compromise them. They will love you for it later on.
As a man, I went through many phases. I once listened only to rock music. Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motley Crue. Stuff like that.
Then i discovered I was Black... that was shocking. I got into Public Enemy, KRS-ONE, NWA and stuff like that.
So my mama prayed for me. lol
My child is no different than i was.
My homie and i was talking about music and the sad shape music is in. Yet, we came to the conclusion that we were both just old. lol
It is what it is.
"Nicki Minaj?"
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