You know the world is interesting. When I say the world, I actually mean the world system. People are unlearned, uninformed, and in some cases just plain stupid. "What are you talking about Rich"? Well I will tell you.
For months and even years people have been going in on Jay-Z and his alleged connections to the illuminati. Now a majority of the people that have made this claim, have been preachers, scholars and your average paranoid conspiracy theorists. They have looked at lyrics and videos to stake their claims. Some, I would even say is legitimate.
Here is the thing. Can a rapper from the Marcy Projects in Brooklyn be a member of an international secret society, whose goal is to produce the so-called reign of the antichrist or commonly called the NEW WORLD ORDER? Anthing is possible but I doubt it. Can Jay-Z be manipulated, of course. Shoot, the videos some of these cats are producing on youtube are evidence of that.
Lets go to some literary evidence. Adam Weishaupt is quoted in the book The New World Order by A. Ralph Epperson saying two key elements concerning the new world order. 1. "We must do our utmost to procure the advancement of Illuminati into all important civil offices". 2. "Behold our secret... If in ordre to destroy all Christianity, all religion, we have pretended to have the sole true religion, remember that end justifies the means, and that the wise ought to take all the means to do good which the wicked take to do evil". Now lets break these two points down.
1 Civil offices... okay, Executive, Legislative, Judicial... If folks want to investigate the Illuminati, well there is certain elements to study. In fact, you could spend years just on dealing with checks and balances her in America alone. No Jay-Z sighting here, except getting President Obama on a text according to Jay in his "On to the next One" song. lol
2. Destruction of Christianity and religion. Now this is a murky pit. Now the Illuminati wants to destroy Christianity in particular as if the other religions of the world would follow suit. Well, billions of Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist followers may have something to say about that. Jay says he does not believe in Christianity. Well all one has to do go into most Black Churches and count the number or lack of numbers of Black men. Jay, honestly isnt that different than many brothers. Sad, but true.
When Jesus casted out devils, the religious folk around said that He did it by the prince of demons. Jesus made the point to them that if Satan cast out Satan then his kingdom (no matter how counterfeit it maybe) is divided and cannot stand. In short, you cant build a kingdom while tearing it down at the same time. So even some of those people who believe that Jay-Z is a devil worshipper and a member of the secret society are not doing a real expose because they themselves are demonic in their actions as well. Satan would not go through the trouble of building something and allowing somebody he is influencing as well to tear that pillar or brick down. Now many Christian scholars have done the research but too often the evidence is suspect and not concrete. When evidence is subjective it is subject to interpretation which is suspect at best, not pun intended.
Jay is a hip hop artist. He has some influence but he is not the chief. If anything he is a pawn in a larger game. While the internet buzzes whether or not he is a member of a secret society designed to bring the antichrist to power. One critical component is left out. WHERE ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU? WHO IS PULLING YOUR STRINGS? WHO DO YOU FOLLOW? What am I saying? People need to get into where they are personally before they can tackle a lofty subject. What good is it to show people where others are and you dont discover where you are in the midst of it.
In closing let me say this as well. The Illuminati is like Mafia. Its exclusive. The closest one can become to this order is the Boule. See Steve Cokely to learn about this secret society. Jay is a target but to many people are focusing on him instead of the real target. And if Jay is this terrible person so many are claiming, what is the solution. To paraphrase Steve Cokely "Power isnt discovering who done it, but who bad enough to kick their butt". I hate to say it but the Illuminati, the real one is winning because their order is secret and known by many other names and few posess the real power to stop them. After all, they have assassinated people, started wars, and economic collapses to achieve certain goals. I dont think the author of Big Pimpin is that dude. lol If anything there are bigger fish to fry. So think about your role in this matrix. Are you in control or are you being controlled if so by whom and for what purpose.
Someone is finally on my page. Thank you for being awake and sharing your truth. God bless you.
P.S. Have you checked out The Protocols of Zion...
Dear brothers, I wonder if there is anyone else who is just as curious and naïve as I was a a few years ago. I had always felt it was insane to imagine that an ordinary person could attain wealth, fame, and yet power all at once.
I have seen quite a number of them and I knew deep down there would always be a price to pay. Paying the price wasn’t my fear but how exactly to go about paying the price has been my major quest. I was much determined to be an elite in my society and have what it takes to be in power.
I imagined the lifestyle of Jay Z and heard a lot of rumors about Kanye too. I heard about their connection with Illuminati and then I held my determination to pay the dues to be in that caucus. I had no much clue but I had with me the name Illuminati which would later be my liberation.
Quite a lot has been said on the internet, but you won’t give up when you are in the quest for greatness. I have found the truth but only for those who truly hunger for it.
I was Lucky to randomly meet brother John Marcus my Initiator Godfather during my endless wealth and power hunt on the internet. He was truly a brother and a light to me all through my initiation.
If you are a reader of this and you have every wondered if truly most if these celebrities you see belong to this brotherhood, the answer is. If then you ever wonder if you too can belong then I would say that answer is yours to provide. I would offer to provide you guide based on my experiences I am quite sure you can begin your journey to riches from here.
First, to become a member of the Illuminati brotherhood, you will start with initiation. But you cannot be initiated without the approval of the Lord Grand Master. Once your application through the temple manager gains approval, an Initiator God Father, (IGF) will be assigned to you to guide you through this process.
Within the first twenty-five days, the initiation process should be complete. The next in line is the Induction. Once inducted you can get unlimited access to wealth and become globally connected with other influential people in the world. The induction comes with its own price but trust me you will pay the sacrifice when you consider the gains. I never could have imagined a ‘nobody’ like me owning fleets of cars companies and other assets without the help of the brotherhood. My gratitude cannot be complete if I don’t put up this testimony here to help others in need.
You can begin your own journey by reaching out to our agent on +1(601)228-2602 through texts or WhatsApp alternatively, you can mail;( theilluminatikingdomforall@gmail.com). I am Brother Carlson Mark. I hope to see you at the next induction.
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