"I value your friendship."
Usually, when someone says that, that someone is breaking up with that person. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that, I might be able to get a 6 piece wing dinner from Timmy Chan. Just what does it mean when someone says I value your friendship? Does it mean that they care if you get run over by a car? Does it mean that they want to continue talking to you? Does it mean that they will be there for you? And if so, how?
Now lets just be honest. All of that is like pulling a bandaid off someone who is considerably hairy. Its gonna hurt whether you pull it slowly or quickly. Basically, its code for, I dont want to date you, but I will let you spend your money if you like. I dont want to sleep with you, so dont ask for none. Or, I will sleep with you, just go home right after we finish. Or worst, dont call me to ask if you can see me because chances are, I will be preocupied with my new friend.
A friend and I were talking and we talked about exes being friends. Is it possible? I think it is but truthfully its a waste of time. No one benefits really. In fact, if children are not involved, its just best to move around and not look back. Take it from me, I know personally.
The key to breaking up and being done with a person is line of sight. If a person is out of sight, eventually they will be out of mind. You have to do that in order for healing or even new people to show up in your life. At this point in my life, I value friendships but they are not required for me. I got enough "friends". So when some woman says to me "i value your friendship". That is a greenlight to exit stage left. Im not interested in talking to you about some guy you met or some guy who is giving you problems. Im not interested in talking to you about some woman I have met and is giving me problems. If anything, whats the point? So when someone says that to you. Ask yourself "do you really value their friendship" If not, move around. Dont be a sucka or worst an enabler. I have said it once and I will say it again. Friendships are like batteries. Some last longer than others. Dont be ghetto and stick it in the freezer trying to get more usage out of a battery that is dead. Instead, do yourself a favor and shop for new batteries. Life is too short.
My first husband and I are "still friends". I think our friendship works very well because I'm in Oakland Cali, and he's in Philly PA! Plus we both are remarried. Otherwise, I'd agree with you.
That was what i needed to hear, loved the post!!!
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