On the local gospel station, one of the favorite songs that is played is by group called Mary Mary. The name of the song is "The God in me". Unfortunately, its one of them fishes and loaves type songs. You know the kind that thanks God for all the stuff He gives us. Now on the surface, there is nothing wrong with that. However, Jesus told us that many follow Him for that reason, the fishes and the loaves. While I will not contest what the ladies singing this song is saying, I will mention that only one lyric in the song talks about change. Its things like this that get me to thinking about what is it all about? Jesus, in His wonderful wisdom told us that life does not consist in the abundance of things. Its a sobering reminder that yes, its nice to have a decent car, lots of clothes and lots of money, but life itself does not revolve around that. Too often people associate material wealth with spiritual growth. Now dont get me wrong, in some cases they go hand in hand, however it is not the end all be all.
I cannot write everything that God is. Even the bible declares that in the book of John. What I can do is give a person reason for knowing that God exists, and that God loves all of us. We are saturated in the body of Christ with so many messages on prosperity that we tend to forget some basic things regarding our faith. We struggle with being identified as a religion versus being known for relationship. What good is it to have all this material wealth and not really give people what Christ wants us to give them, which is the message of the gospel; the death, burial and ressurection. Many people reject the thought that Jesus Christ even existed. I tell folks that for those people, life suits them just fine and that is their issue, not mine. I have had too many experiences to know that God is real. His word is real. His Spirit is as real as the words your reading.
One of the first thoughts is why the need for God? Well, for one God created everything. The next question is why do I need God in my life? Well simply stated, we are fallen creatures. We have an terminal condition called sin which needs to be dealt with. Christ came to be the perfect sacrifice. The whole idea that God would come to earth, take on a physical body and be born in a manger is a bit much for many to handle. Many would say, if He was God, talking about Jesus, why would He feel the need to come to earth in such a way. What way would you have Him to come? He chose this way because it was foretold that He would come this way in the old testament. Now, lets deal with the issue of suffering and pain. Some would say of course if there was a God, why does He allow suffering and pain in the earth? Well, that is like asking why you allow certain things to take place in your own life. If it were up to any of us, we would "make" people do things. Don't we despise that in our own relationships with people? We all have self will. God is not going to put you or anyone in a headlock and make you do anything. God is love and love does not make you do anything. If you are made to do something or feel obligated to do something, that is not freedom but slavery. Hence, wives and husbands being referred to comically being the proverbial "ball and chain". God set order for salvation through the life of Jesus. Christ was crucified and rose from the dead. Now people will try to introduce similar ancient stories, saying in part that this story is not correct because here is a similar instance taking place in this belief system. One thing I have learned is that Satan will not go to war with himself. He is not in the business of tearing down what he puts up. In fact he will promote these "stories" to disprove to the world the existance of Christ. If Satan can disprove that Christ does not exist, then salvation from a life of sin is not needed.
I close with the story of a young Christian college student who was having an exchange with an athiest professor. The professor told the student that he read the bible back and forth and he did not believe it. The young Christian scholar, simply replied "well, that's what you get for reading someone's else mail". The bible is one large love letter written to God's people. It is not for those who don't believe in it. While many make it their business to disprove the authenticity of the bible, they never have time to really focus on what they really believe. Karl Marx called religion the opium of the masses. Well, we see where communism is. The same people who claim that the bible was used to brutalize and enslave fail to admit that communism, facism, colonialism, and nationalism did the same things with the bible and with other ancient writings other than the bible. So should we through out the baby with the bath water? I dont think so.
At the end of the day, we all have to live to with the choices we make in life. The bible records that we all will have a day with God to give an account. What will your account be? Will your life testify that you served Him and loved Him. Or will it be one where you served and only loved yourself. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD. That day is coming, like it or not. You are either going to do it now or then. Either, way whether you believe in Christ or not, whether you believe the bible or not does not matter. Your individual beliefs do not change that reality. John 3:16 says it perfectly. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son for whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life". John 3:17 solidifies it. "For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but that through Him, the world might be saved". Jesus loves you. His word is the truth. Believe, repent and be baptised. As one preacher eloquently put it. "I know a man from Galilee who can set you free".
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