Black Women.
Umph, Umph, Umph.
I love Black women. I am a visual person and basically I watch and study Black woman all day long. Now, visually, Black women appeal to me. What's not to like about Black women? Emotionally, they are a roller coaster ride. They know how to take you high into the clouds and drop you low to the ocean floor. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, (if thats what you into) lol. Intellectually, I find them amazing, profound, and they make me laugh until it hurts. When I think of Black women, I think of the Black women in my life in way or another. So Im going to share with you some of the Black woman I have loved, admire, respect and believe in.
1. My mother. She's the big bird of my life. In fact, that is her nick name given to her by one of her sisters, Bird. Amazing woman, always have a laugh stashed away for a rainy day. Will give you tough love when you need it. My fiercest advocate. You mess with me and mama will get you. lol
2. My grandparents Johnnie Mae and Hattie Mae. Awesome women. God bless their souls. I only had them for a season and miss them more as I grow older. One was a real grinder. Johnnie owned an apartment complex, she was a licensed hair dresser, she cleaned office buildings at night... (all at the same time.. real talk) The other Hattie was a that mama who had visitors at her home every day. I learned to love Al Green because of this amazing woman. Very sweet.
3. My teachers Ms Smith, second grade. Beautiful woman, retired but serves faithfully at her church. Ms. Miller, sixth grade, first woman I knew who loved God openly and would sing at the drop of a hat. Ms. Blake. OMG 10th grade, first teacher I had a crush on. God she was beautiful.. still is. Saw her recently out shopping.
4. Teresa. The first girl who ever liked me. Kindergarten, she always shared her cookies with me. (yeah I remember the first girl who ever loved me)
5. Candie. My first real girlfriend. Yep. High yellow with big brown eyes. Jeri curl. Dont laugh. She was Ms. Universe far as I was concerned.
6. Erica. My homegirl from the hood. Still tight to this day. I have known her since the late 70s. Has the best pair of lips I have seen on a woman. High powered. High maintenance. Very sexy and funny. Masters degrees and the whole nine. A very good woman. Definitely my sister and confidant for life.
7. Christina. My other homegirl from the hood. Crazy as all outdoors. I have known her since the early 80s. I love her dearly. My sister for life.
8. Wendy. My baby's mother. Will always love her because she gave me Ashley.
9. Ashley. My one and only daughter. Reminds me of her mother and my grandmothers. She has an old woman soul. A jewel sent from God.
10. Denea. My first wife. Taught me many things. We have an incredible history. Regardless of our divorce. She has a special place in my heart.
11. Angela. My homegirl. Raised in the bloody nickel. Sweet as pie. We will always be friends because we both love God, have children and try not to go crazy in this life. You need friends you can share and pray for and with.
12. Crystal. Amazing sister. Went to school together at undergrad. Sharp as a tack. Easy on the eye. We always clashed at school over relationships, work, but at the end of the day, I love her like a sister. She's a ride or die chick. Her hubby is a lucky man.
13. Lynette. Too funny. Worked with her more than anyone at undergrad. A good natured sister who has a bright future. We still tight.
14. Tally. Amazing sister. Showed me lots of love when I was going through my divorce. Very supportive. Great networker. You dont find too many sisters like that. She is a jewel in my life. She's the big sister in my world. Men need big sisters in life.
15. Muze. Amazing writer. A cool chick from Detroit. Makes words taste like M&Ms. Plus she's a dime. Very funny as well. I admire her craft. She is going to blow up. Im sure of it.
16. My First Lady. Amazing woman of God. She's a practical and spiritual teacher. Very meek but definitely motherly in her approach. She's from New Rochelle, NY. She is very methodical and caring. One of my other mothers.
17. Mama Yancy. Neighborhood mom from back in the day. Watched me grow up. She is very sweet. I love her so much. I know she prayed for me. Somethings you dont have to even think about. That much I know.
18. Elder Moore. One of my church mothers. Awesome woman of God. Very sweet and encouraging. Men need women like that. I am blessed to know her.
These are just some of the women in my life. There are many more. Yet, these women above I can say have made a difference in my life in one way or another. I love all of these of women unashamedly. They are etched in my mind and heart. Each one providing a spice or additive to the man I am and hope to be. Some are closer to me than others but they are Black women and I love them all.
1 comment:
*applause* This was nice.
*chuckles* I'm not going to lie though, I did laugh at the jheri curl part.
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