Malcolm X once remarked "what do you call a Black man with a Ph.D? Nigger"
The great comedian Paul Mooney once joked about Black men getting nigger wake up calls. Micheal Jackson. O.J. Simpson. and now... wait for it. Wait For It.
Tiger Woods.
Tiger Woods has made the front page of the New York Times 20 days in a row. That is more than 9/11.
What these men have in common, Micheal Jackson, O.J., and Tiger Woods. They have been not only linked to white women but they share a distinct thought that they somehow were not Black. O.J. had a white wife which he murdered allegedly. Michael Jackson married a white woman and once sang "it doesnt matter if you are Black or White" Tiger Woods calls himself Cablasian.
Well... To white people they all were thought of as not Black but niggers. Tiger with his billion dollars has been raked over the coals something fierce. Would this happen to a white golfer? Probably not. While each of these men have and had tremendous amounts of wealth, it has not stopped white people from having some disdain for them. Tiger is probably the most hated golfer not because of his race but because of his incredible game. He has conquered a sport largedly played and adored by whites. That isnt going sit well with some whites. Now that he is down, he is getting the business something awful. He probably still believes that he is "cablasian" but dude they really see as a nigger, especially now. While whites in the media will not dare "go there", (talking about race). We in the Black community know what it is. Yes, Tiger like it or not you are being reminded that America still has a problem with race and you are causing more static than Jack Johnson is his heyday. You have receieved the wake up call. Dont worry... Your people still love you. Even though you deny your Blackness. Our Blackness will not deny you. Now you can put down the phone and move forward.
True no matter where Black Americans go they will still get their wake up calls it is inevitable.
True no matter where Black Americans go they will still get their wake up calls it is inevitable.
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