Tiger Woods. I never had a real reason to talk about Tiger Woods. Yet, the media blitz that is surrounding this brother is astounding. A billionaire athlete gets caught up in a whirlwind of scandal. While comedians, wannabes, clowns, suckers, leeches, radio talkshow hosts, from all genres throw their two cents in. The whole situation is really for the most part, unfortunate.
There has always been a mystery to Tiger Woods. How can a this Black man (regardless of his prefered ethnic heritage) swing a golf club to the point of becoming a billionaire. He has always yearned for some level of privacy. Yet, when you conquer the white man's sport because lets face it, that was what golf was before Tiger came along, everybody and they mama wasn't so happy about it. Yet, for all the criticism, he has had a cool head through it all. Until now.
Now, let me tackle the Black issue. I can see neck rolling sisters saying "thats what he gets" I can see brothers laughing at the corner store saying "that was stupid, how could he be so dumb?" So many people are commenting and saying what they think he should have did. If you ever want to know if you are a hater, then place the words "I think he should have..." In front of the sentence. One of things that is a interesting is that Black people love Tiger Woods, but its like Tiger is another part of the house none of us can go to. We shared this dynamic with Micheal Jackson. God bless the dead. Instead of us saying what he should have did and all that, we really need to pray for the brother and his family. Yall are aware he does have children. Nevermind these silly women who have taken his downfall for a chance of opportunity. That is just apart of fame. Black people, stop tripping over what has happen and ask God to help Tiger and his family because the media does not care one way or the other. The same people who admired Tiger and want Tiger to play in their cities on their golf courses are the same people right now taking shots. That is the unfortunate pain of fame. People build you up, just to tear you down. We know about that Black people dont we, we call it "crabs in a barrel mentality".
Yes, the brother has made some mistakes. However, who among us haven't. What? We expect because he has some money that he should know better? Do we think that he is flawless. Hardly, no. However, think about David. A man who was after God's own heart. He fell. He had hardships after falling. Yet, God still blessed him. Does anybody even care about Tiger's soul? Get off of Tiger. Pray for him instead of kicking him. Do you remember when you made a mistake? Im sure you have made several. We talk a good game when it comes to looking at someone else's transgressions. Yet, Christ paid for those sins Tiger committed too. He needs your prayers. Trust me, there are a lot of white people right now glad he has taken a fall. We shouldn't be listening on the radio for the latest Tiger joke or waiting the next woman to come out. We should be praying for him. Just some food for thought.
I think he should have ... *chuckles*
What saddens me in this whole thing is that, and I can't remember the name, someone (white) famous came out about sleeping with the female employees on his talk show. Did he receive all this bad press? Hmm ...
That was David Letterman. What Letterman did was get in front of the drama. Tiger just thought if he kept his mouth shut everyone else would follow suit. Unfortunate for him many people didnt.
Do you think Tiger would have faired better if he pulled a Letterman and got in front of the drama?
Hmm ... I don't think so.
Actually, I do. The thing about men with money and power is that its not really a shock if they have martial indiscretions. Tiger thought that by keeping silent that his privacy would have been respected. Think about it, these women he slept with allegedly did not say a word until now. Tiger had enough money and clout to shut them all up. Some of these women unfortunatly thought to themselves, well i had better strike while he is down. Trust me, he isnt the only athlete with infidelity on his resume. I think that if he had copped to what really happened, he would have gotten a more sympathic ear. Now in the case of Letterman, he was being extorted. These women were not extorting Tiger. Tiger's wife found out, she reacted and here we are. It is what it is.
Hmm ... I think the reason I disagree, and I hate to say this, is because Tiger is black (or mixed if you want to be technical). Whether he stepped up to drive the car or took a back seat to the drama someone would have had something negative to say. No, a lot of people would have had something negative to say.
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