Last night and friend and I took in a movie. We saw Up In the Air starring George Clooney. Now I admit that Im not the biggest George Clooney fan, I havent been able to really see dude in a positive light since the Batman Forever movie. Sorry George, nipples on the Batman suit is just nasty. Anyway, I digress. In the movie, old George plays an executive who basically lives in airports and hotels. He comes across a fellow traveler who he connects with. They hang out, they sleep together, they hook up from time to time on the road. Well old George has a sister who's getting married and George is getting misty eyed at the whole marriage and family deal. Well, come to find out his inspiration has expression in the lady he met. However, sad to say the lady isnt what she appears to be. Chica is married with kids. Old George finds out that he is simply an "outlet or escape". Now that is just funky.
Now, which brings me to this post. In life we find ourselves in some interesting situations. Ever met someone and they are nothing like they present to themselves. (Yeah.. we are on the internet.. that doesn't happen right?) Who hasnt met anyone online? Were you pleasantly surprised or horrified? People you meet in person do the same thing but the internet... well that's another animal altogether. Some people find love and that's not a bad thing. However, skeletons lurk in strange places when you procede to meet people offline. It is amazing what a comment and a picture can do. People have changed their lives behind it. Good and bad. It is what it is.
I know people who have gotten married. Shortly afterwards, they realize that they have been sold a bill of goods labeled "as is". Which means since you bought it, you cannot return it. Now when they purchased the product it was marketed as new, yet when they got it home. They begin to see the dents and defects. What can you do? You have already bought the product and you cannot take it back. So you deal with it. Have you bought into someone who isnt who they claim they are? You have invested time emotionally and now here is the let down. Too late to go back. So what do you do? You learn to deal with it. You try to find that silver lining. You try to squeeze that lemon enough to make lemonade. What if thats not possible? Well, safe to say that it sucks for you. Next time read the signs. CAUTION: ILLUSIONS UP AHEAD
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