There are times in life when you desire change above anything else. Sometimes life decisions or experiences create a deep desire to be apart of something different. Life is meant to be explored and not ignored. Who told any of us that we have to be apart of some kind of rigamorow? Just moving to and fro everyday with the same old same. Same music, same routine, same thoughts, same people, same everything. Let us look at one of God's smallest creatures for inspiration. The catapiller.
The catapiller is small in size. Some would even say that it is ugly. Yet, this catapiller is born with a purpose to change itself. In order for this change to take place. It has to cocoon itself. It has to wrap itself up and be still for a season. During this season it begins to not evolve but transform. After a period of time, the transformation take place. Its molecular structure changes and because of that, its appearance changes. After being cocooned for such a change, it emerges from the shell of the cocoon and flies away. It began life crawling. It continued its life by being still. Now, after being perfectly changed, it now flies. Its territory has been enlarged, just simply by being still long enough to transform.
Will you and I be still long enough to transform? Sometimes, you have to cut yourself off from the world and its troubles and deal with yourself. Though we do not radically change physically like the catapiller, spiritually we can transform to be the best person in which the LORD our God expects. Shut down your regular routine and cocoon yourself. When you deal with the beam in your eye, you can be qualified to help others deal with the specs in theirs. The point is to take time to make a statement. Whether its running to the gym, going back to school, or becoming closer to God, you are going to have to cocoon yourself. That means get away from people, places and things that continue to hinder your progress and transformation. Its okay, invest in yourself, so you can fully invest in the people in and around you. You and them will be better for it.
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