What is up with white people? Just ponder that question for a moment.
I mean really. What is really going on with white people? You know the Chris Matthews situation is really funny to most of us. Why? Because its one thing white folks are good at, its reminding you that you are not them. Some people were offended at Chris' statements about looking at President Obama and forgetting he is a black man for an hour. Yeah that shoe must taste wonderful Chris because yes, you inserted your foot in your mouth. Yet, me being who I am I will say, thanks Chris. Thanks for keeping it real. The fact that you see Obama as a Black man 23 hours of the day, tells me that well... yall are really on guard when it comes to the brother. Its almost like waiting for the other shoe to drop. You guys will be waiting because that shoe is orbiting the Saturn right about now.
Now the former NBA loser who decided to play a stingy grumpy judgmental white man regarding Haiti is just another one of those deals where we as a people know we are not liked but some stuff is just out of line. Hey Jackbutt! the grand wizard of the Klan thinks you need to relax. So lets get this straight, you dont want to give money to a nation because you think that the people brought the calamity on themselves...? I guess you probably asking who am I talking about it. Well, I dont like giving a piece of crap any pub, so you are gonna have to get the full details from another blog or website. You know this loser is just waiting to be swung on. The problem is many people feel the same. But you know whats surprising, its mostly white people.
I dont get the right... They are so wrong how could they even be considered to be the right. Yet, even the right have problems. Take that fat dope fiend wanna be NFL owner on the AM dial. Yeah, yall know who im talking about. This cat is just itching to be scratched. Some foolishness is always flying out his piehole. I know why whites bother to listen to this gas bag. They honestly dont like anyone but themselves. Even the sellouts that occupy the right find that this dude and his mentality need to go. Dont get me started on the sell outs. Stay Tuned, I got something for all em. As far as whites not liking President Obama, we dont expect all of yall to be in love with the brother. Why you think we dont fly off the handle when you do say something stupid like "I hope he fails". Or worst peckerwoods in the pulpit calling for God to kill Obama. Dont get me started on the nutcases that think he is the anti-Christ. Yeah white people, we know you dont like us. We know you never have. We know that you will always have an issue with us. That's cool. We expect nothing less from you.
Now... white people need to ponder one thing. They know we love President Obama. If its one thing they dont want, that is for somebody to assault the president. Malcolm X was uncalled for. Dr King's murder was beyond words. Yet, if something happens to President Obama.... You might want to speed up your plans for the apocalypse. They say third time is a charm. Well, trust me... that is something you dont want. You dont want the president to fail and God forbid if somebody tries to take his life. It will be on and not just here but all over the world. This silly neo nazis and their ilk talk about a race war as if that is something they really want. Hey stupid white people... you do know you are outnumbered globally 14 to 1 right? Lets get one thing straight white people. Yall talk a good game and somedays you usually show up. Yet take this to the bank... if something were to happen to our beloved President. You will lose this nation permanently. 2042 is around the corner. Oh for those that dont know... thats the year when whites will become a minority in this nation. Yall need to get somewhere and sit down. I mean what is it with you guys? Most whites are great. They are passionate, they care about the world and everyone in it. Yet, its a segment that we could just deal without. Yall had stones to enslave and colonize the world and give people a picture of Jesus that is erroneous. This aint your world anymore. Yall losing your power. I know it sucks but get over it. Otherwise, you will go down in history as being a great people who just couldnt get over themselves and thought everyone else should be like you or be a slave in your world. Chris was right... Obama is post racial... but too bad yall cant get over the color of his skin. I think yall would really like the guy. But then again... you wouldnt be white people otherwise. I feel sorry for yall. So much power and yet so little understanding. Sucks to be you... Next.
I am saddend to see all of the opposition that hides behind the healthcare bills or the government spending or the government takeover rhetoric. He is a black man, but he is a black man who happends to be the President of the United States. It is clear to me that President Obama can not do anything that will please the other folk! He is criticized for being to calm, yet he understands that the Country is not ready for the angry black man to show up!!! They are not ready!!!! I am glad that that man , although in a controlled form, showed up the other night. He did so in a subtle voice as not to be disrespectful, but certainly to show his indignation to all of those Supreme Court Judges who sit on that bench like they are God and decide the fate of our future.(or so they think) I heard the frustration and the urgency in my President's voice. I heard him when he said Let us all work together. I will not take your stand and say most white people, I will say some white people are great, but unfortunately, I know a lot of blacks who are not, hispanics who are not, asians who are not, Indians who are not...PEOPLE who are not!!!!! OH well since this blog is in the "I can't believe you white folks news" blog, I will say, white people, we give you all the benefit of the doubt all of the time, can you work with us for a minute and not against us. "OUR WORLD WOULD BE A MUCH BETTER PLACE" should be your next blog.... It can start out with the words of our(adopted) NEGRO national anthem, one of the verses says, "blacks and white together someday!!!
It's enough to drive a person mad! If you look at it all in the wrong way. It's always darkest before the dawn. Its the day of reckoning for racism. I wonder if God is up to something beautiful?! There's some sifting like wheat going on!
Jesus told us of these times to come and now are here! Obama seems to be the catalyst to the racism apocalypse. White racism is being utterly confounded, thus Chris Matthews statement. We ought to be glad he made it. He's utterly confused about his racist worldview and he's discovering its utter uselessness. White racists are going to have to make a decision: to go backwards into the neanderthal era or move forward gloriously. They are learning that racism will simply not do. It's post everything! Please allow the white folks to struggle this out, in fits and starts and fights and words until they are cleansed of the stain of racism. Then they will find true freedom!!
Brother, don't be discouraged and don't worry about being hated. They did hate Jesus, and we are not greater than He.
For fantastic analysis and great comments on this race subject, visit brother Abagond's blog
Peace and blessings.
@tboo While I agree that there are bad folks in all shades of color. Lately, white people have just been pissing me off. Which is why I decided to blog about it. I am going to do some stuff on "us" soon enough. Im sure that will raise a few eyebrows. lol
@Anna Renee Thank you for the encouragement and good looking out on the blog you recommended. I am following it now. Anybody talking about Franz Fanon, gets my attention defintely. Peace sister!
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