Given the tragedy in Haiti, one thing everyone reading this and everyone sitting with roof over their head, better know one thing. Its not about you. Strange enough it takes a devestating event to remind us how frail our lives are. The authorities overlooking the tragedy are estimating 200,000 dead and over 1.5 million people homeless. What does that tell you? What do you believe about your life? None of us can imagine how we would feel if we had to go through something like that. Imagine a whole generation of your people being wiped out. Imagine your whole entire family gone just like that. Imagine waking up to the reality that their is no overnight cure to your problems. Reportedly Haiti is 35% under the age of 18. Orphans. This is scary. It reminds us of Africa and its problem with AIDS. All of these children with no father or mother, or grandparents, or aunties or uncles. Forced to grow in a world all alone.
What am I saying? Shake yourself. Stop tripping about your bills. Stop tripping about your haters. Stop tripping about life in general. Somebody has it worst than you. This is your notice. You have no excuse. Life is short. You'd better live it to the fullest because at least you have a say in your life. Its not about you. This is a big world. You are a minnow in huge tank. Eat or be eaten. Listening to R&B singers moan about their sexual exploits or rappers yapping about their money, just dont cut it. How can we be so shallow after this? God is trying to get our attention. Pay attention or pay a bigger price. Its up to you. Yall can have the depression. Yall can have these backwards thinking nitwits who can't make up their mind whether or not they can love you. We better get somewhere and sit down and stop complaining about our lives. I dont know everything about life but what I do know is that life isnt about us. Again I am saying God is trying to get our attention. You can ignore it if you want. As long as you cant see past your life and your issues. You will suffer the sickness that plagues so many of us. Selfishness. God help us all.
I REALLY like this. I believe Wyclef said in an acceptance speech that he started in a hut and from that he went to the projects. From that he went to a mansion. Therefore, no one else has an excuse.
Life really is what you make it. I think I needed that wake up call. Hopefully it will stick with me.
Glad you liked it. Lord knows we will have our issues, but this is one of those life changing events that can inspire and uplift a generation. (this one needs something to shake it... no pun intended). If we try to go on as if the tragedy didnt take place, then we are truly lost and will no doubt remain that way.
I feel shaken. Thanks brother.
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