Visions of Heaven

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Early Morning Musings...

...Sitting here watching Chinese Super Ninjas for the umpteenth time.

...Thinking of a way to ask AJ to go out on a date.

...Wondering if I will ever get to publish VOH. Its overdue. Sheesh.

...Pondering if moving to a cheaper place will put more money in my pocket.

...Lamenting about being alone for Christmas.

...Laughing at the Cowboys beating the Saints. Monday will be a trash talking session at with Cowboy fans.

...Worrying that I will never get to use this MBA I earned to work.


Crystal Monae said...

Cast your cares on the one who cares for you. Stop worrying and start celebrating your victory. Usher it in...

Richard J Wright said...

thanks Crystal. You are right. Let me go get a late pass on that celebration right now!