Visions of Heaven

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Where in the Sam Hayaale U Been?

Dag, its been a minute. Where have I been? Why have I neglected this blog? Hard to say actually. If somebody was reading it, I might feel a bit guilty but since no one is banging down my email or door for it. Its been a proverbial yawn. Honestly, I haven't been really inspired to do a lot of writing. Well, that isnt completely true. I have been busy. I recently wrote the Christmas play, the youth at my church are going to perform. For the most part, my pen has been down. However, that is about to change. A sister of mine wants me to write for her ministry website. So, writing has been happening. Just not here. I am trying to change that. My computer needs work too, so thats an issue clearly. A few things have been happening. I am not going to get into them now. I will be writing all day. Needless to say, enjoy your holiday and I will be back with you a day or two. God bless until then.

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