Visions of Heaven

Friday, December 25, 2009

I dont know what to think

Have someone ever told you something and you didnt really know whether to believe them or not. Recently, I was told something that led me to not really believe them. This of course was based upon my history with this person. This person even told me that any possible relationship we could have is almost impossible due to an issue of trust. That is an under statement. Trust this point isn't even an issue. Sometimes damage is not repairable. You basically have to rebuild from the bottom up. Risky. Very risky.

Now, personally speaking I have to weigh the cost of taking the risk. On the surface, it just isnt worth it. I love this person, yet this person isnt worth the risk. Why? Basically because i dont know what to think. I know that the history we shared is incredible but this one thing that I cannot ignore. I dont know what to think. My heart has made some questionable decisions in the past. Yet, I feel that making this one is quite the paradox. How can I trust and put my faith in someone who has shown nothing less than betrayal and self motives? Plus, it is my guess that the green grass is found out to be astro turf.

In relationships people are motivated not by the right thing but what they feel. I dont know what to think. Especially about this situation. I want to believe them. I really do. Yet, that would be foolish. And for me. I cannot do foolish. I dont know what to think but it definitely aint foolish. It is what it is. People are a trip.

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